Category: Uncategorized

  • Week 8: 2 weeks and done? WHAT?

    This week I had the shocking realization that in about two weeks, I will have graduated and be fully fledged computer science graduate. The thought alone makes me queasy with both excitement and dread, but life goes on! And so I keep chugging along and figuring it out as I go! Friday I emailed back…

  • Week 7: Vacation-time and Catching Up

    This week was a bit challenging to balance out doing school work, normal work, and entertaining one of my best friends who came to visit from across the country. This time, having a mini-vacation won. So, the next few days will be prioritizing catching up on my portion of our project and school work. I’ve…

  • Week 6: Project midpoint, friends visiting, and truly “figuring it out”

    Friday First full day of my data abstraction job! Figured out my commuting route via bus and metro train and realized that maybe, I do in fact like driving. I think a part of the career change is adjusting to such different work environments. Previously working where I literally fit like I was drowning dealing…

  • Week 5: Lots of text and Exciting News!

    Friday Although it’s important to find balance between work and fun, it’s difficult to reach a happy medium. So I used today to work-from-home on my part-time job after making reservations for a fancy dinner place and Ford’s Theater once my friend comes to visit next weekend. Also attempted to finish as much as I…

  • Week 4: New job, project progress, and a holiday

    Friday Took Friday off after an intense week of interviewing! Excited to hear about the outcomes, and hoping I get a position with this agency especially as it fits with my goals as a developer and computer scientist. Particularly, the opportunity to get a master’s and career development! Saturday Began work on finalizing my floors…

  • Week 3: Project Progress, Tests, and lots of coffee.

    I was thinking about how I wanted to structure out my future posts. When I have spare time, I love watching daily mundane vlogs. I think the most alluring concept to me is that they literally just document the small things in their every day lives, and I think I’d like to do that! I…

  • Week 2: Life and Class Updates

    CURRENT JOB Right now, I’m currently working as a Health Records Auditor remotely. In this position, I’m responsible for reviewing, auditing, and analyzing a patient base of 160+ individuals in order to get higher-reimbursement for an HMO group from medicare. I find it fun and interesting, snooping and analyzing healthcare information. This job has eventually…

  • Hello world!

    A BIT ABOUT ME Prior to transitioning into tech/software development, I wanted to become a doctor. Throughout my first undergraduate degree in Biology, I volunteered in different hospitals and worked day and night as a medical assistant, medical scribe, and later, an office manager. The thought of helping people, working in an interesting and dynamic…