student news

OSU Business Plan Competition

We have extended the deadline for The Enterprise Challenge, OSU’s business plan competition, to Monday, April 4 by noon.

student news

Benton Homeless Connect Health Fair

On Friday March 11th OSU College of Pharmacy students participated in the Benton Homeless Connect Health Fair at the First United Methodist Church in Corvallis. Students handed out new pairs of socks as well as other foot care supplies such as toenail clippers and band aides.

alumni news

Announcing the 2011 Icons of Pharmacy

Congratulations to the following alumni and friends of the college who will be recognized at a reception on May 7, 2011 for their outstanding achievement and commitment to the College of Pharmacy and profession.

alumni news faculty news McPhail student news

PhD Student Awarded Yerex Graduate Fellowship

Congratulations to Chris Thornburg, one of our pharmacy PhD students working with Kerry McPhail, on his receipt of the P.F. & Nellie Buck Yerex Graduate Fellowship. This is a very significant honor–only one awardee is chosen each year from across the entire university–and the Yerex is one of only two university-wide graduate student awards given […]

student news

P3 Seminar Features Residencies

student news

Cover the Uninsured

The College of Pharmacy collaborated with other professional colleges (Nursing, Medical, and Dentistry) at Oregon Health and Science University to organize and plan an annual outreach event called “Cover the Uninsured Week (CTUW).” Cover the Uninsured is an event that provides healthcare for the underserved and uninsured population. The health fair on March 6 marked […]