events student news

P3 Students Compete in Pharmacy Pheud

On Tuesday, September 27th, the 3rd Year Pharmacy students (P3s) participated in an annual game show themed luncheon graciously hosted by RiteAid.  As the students enjoyed gourmet pizza from Old Town Pizza in Portland, they competed against their classmates and their professors in a game of “Pharmacy Pheud” modeled after the classic “Family Feud” game […]

events student news

Pharmacy Students Put On Health Fair at “Rally on the Square” in Portland

By Lee Sherman On the surface, Sunghee Hong and Bill Anderson don’t appear to have much in common. But Hong, dressed in the snow-white coat of a third-year pharmacy student, and Anderson, wearing a raggedy ball cap stamped with a “Retired Navy” logo, quickly discover a point of connection at OSU’s September rally in Pioneer […]

faculty news

Dr. Jessina McGregor and Collaborators Receive R03 Funding Award

Jessina McGregor, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice at OHSU, along with collaborators, Craig Williams, PharmD, Clinical Associate Professor, and Ravina Kullar, PharmD, Clinical Assistant Professor, have recently received their notice of funding on an R03.  Their R03 is entitled “Risk Factors for Community-Onset Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).” This is the […]

faculty news McPhail

Dr. Kerry McPhail Named as Co-Recipient of the 2010 Jack L. Beal Award

Kerry McPhail, PhD, OSU College of Pharmacy, was named as a co-recipient along with her co-authors for the 2010 Jack L. Beal Award.  The award was given for her paper titled “4-Formylaminooxyvinylglycine, an Herbicidal Germination-arrest Factor from Pseudomonas Rhizosphere Bacteria” published in the Journal of Natural Products.  The Jack L. Beal Award is awarded by […]

faculty news

Dr. Ravina Kullar Awarded SIDP 2010-11 ID Pharmacotherapy Impact Paper of the Year

The OSU College of Pharmacy is proud to announce that Ravina Kullar, PharmD, Clinical Assistant Professor at OSU’s Portland campus at OHSU, was recently awarded the 2010-11 Infectious Diseases Pharmacothereapy Impact Paper of the Year Award by the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP).  According to SIDP, the purpose of this prestigious award is to […]

student news

Pharmacy Students Participate in Outreach Event at Festival Latino

Students from OSU College of Pharmacy participated in an outreach event at the annual Festival Latino held in Monteith Riverpark in Albany on September 17th, 2011.  The students took part in a mobile health unit that offered screenings for vision, hearing, blood pressure, glaucoma, and diabetes free of charge to festival goers.  The students offered […]