faculty news

Dr. Ravina Kullar Awarded SIDP 2010-11 ID Pharmacotherapy Impact Paper of the Year

The OSU College of Pharmacy is proud to announce that Ravina Kullar, PharmD, Clinical Assistant Professor at OSU’s Portland campus at OHSU, was recently awarded the 2010-11 Infectious Diseases Pharmacothereapy Impact Paper of the Year Award by the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP).  According to SIDP, the purpose of this prestigious award is to “recognize a significant contribution to the peer-reviewed literature in infectious diseases pharmacotherapy.”

Ravina’s paper, titled “Impact of vanocomycin exposure on outcomes in patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia: Support for consensus guidelines suggested targets” was published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.  The SIDP presented Ravina’s award to her on September 16th at the Society’s annual meeting.

Ravina practices in the area of family medicine and her research interests include the epidemiology of, clinical outcomes, and costs associated with multi-drug resistant organisms.