volunteers enjoy pruning overgrown apple trees
Master Gardener volunteers at a recent pruning workshop hosted by BCMGA.
  • Program updates: Big news – OSU’s is lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. County or local precautions may still apply to some activities – please contact Elizabeth Records for details as you plan to resume your programming. We’ll seek to offer a range of activities outside, inside and online, to serve volunteers and the public. Thanks as always for your collaboration and support. Get the latest information. 
  • Shout outs
    • Congratulations Community Garden Education Team! BCMGA has been awarded one of the 2021 Search for Excellence awards for your “Four-session  Zoom version of Seed to Supper” educational program.  They got a $500.00 grant for an outstanding project.  Well done!
    • From Alan Taylor: “I’m pretty pleased so many turned out today for Erica’s class in spite of the roasting weather.” Thanks to everyone who attended and practiced their summer pruning skills on the overgrown apple orchard at Lewis-Brown.
  • Volunteers needed – Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up.
    • Plant clinic online – help desperately needed. Explore questions like, “what’s wrong with my prunella?” and more. New flexible shifts – pick a day and check questions anytime.
    • 6/30/21 @9-11am: Greenhouse area clean up at Philomath Highschool
    • Interview partner organizations for the Oregon MGV Program Needs Assessment. We still need folks to interview tribes, Casa Latinos Unidos and the local school district, non-profit or government entity of your choice!
    • Present on Houseplants for the Corvallis Community Center in January or March 2022. It can be in person or virtual. If interested please contact Elizabeth Records.
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with “$”)
  • Extension updates.
    • From Elizabeth Records: Thanks committee chairs for reaching out about planning new activities for reopening. At this point what I know is what I have shared out, but I have it from office managers that there may be some office or county-level guidelines we need to take into account. Once I have the details, I’ll share them out and we can plan next steps. Thank you always for your commitment to offering amazing programming.
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • Seaders Tree Care has free wood chips. Call 541-360-2777 or email addiewenger@gmail.com
    • Know anyone who remembers the original Victory Gardens? An author would like to talk with them. Please contact: maggie@maggiestuckey.com

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