Gene Shackman shared these resources for “best practices” for doing survey research.  Since survey methodology is often used frequently and regularly by Extension professionals, these might be of interest.  I’m not endorsing any of them; only passing them on to interested individuals.  Gene posted them originally as a comment on the Evaluators Group Linkedin page.  Linkedin is another evaluator resource.



Survey Research: A Summary of Best Practices
December 31, 2004, Ethics Resource Center 2004, Leslie Altizer
A brief summary

AAPOR (American Association for Public Opinion Research
How to produce a quality survey

Best Practices for Survey Research Reports: A Synopsis for Authors and Reviewers

JoLaine Reierson Draugalis and others
Am J Pharm Educ. v.72(1); Feb 15, 2008
“This article provides a checklist and recommendations for authors and reviewers to use when submitting or evaluating manuscripts reporting survey research that used a questionnaire as the primary data collection tool.”

Achieving Quality Survey Research: Principles of Good Practice
Labour and Immigration Research Center, August 2012

Ithaca College Survey Research Center
Best Practices for Survey Research
“This document provides recommendations on how to plan and administer a survey.”

International Journal for Quality in Health Care
2003; Volume 15, Number 3 pp. 261–266
Methodology Matters. Good practice in the conduct and reporting of survey research
Kate Kelley, Belinda Clark, Vivienne Brown, and John Sitzia


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