
What exactly is coding? I have been tasked with making “coding” more accessible at work by doing “codeless code.” It’s interesting after spending all this time in the OSU program coding that I am thinking about it in a new way. The reason for this is that my manager and I both having coding experience, but the rest of the team does not. In the long term, we want everyone to be able to automate tasks and not have to do manual work that can be done by calling something else to do it. It’s amazing how many apps can actually do this now through a gui. It’s possible to make full formed functions that can be called from other functions that branch into conditional logic. However what I’ve run into now is that I know how I would actually code something in python or something else, but I cannot figure out how to do it through a gui. It requires much more thinking…. at least in my opinion.. I’m glad that I have the working knowledge to actually think through the logic though if I were to actually code it.

At work, I may also have a chance to work with assembly code again. When we discussed a work project to do some low level code to control hardware, I flashed back to when I took Assembly Language and man.. that was a tough class. I’m not certain that I can do it in a professional setting since it’s been a minute since I even took that class, but I think it would be fun to look at the code and just see how everything works. My current job seems like it’s going to a mixture of a lot technical things including coding and hardware stuff, but I’m enjoying it so far.

As for Unity, things are coming along. I’m still stumbling through videos on how to script, but it is very rewarding when a script works the way I want it to. The smallest thing like getting my text popup to work got me super excited. It seems surreal that this quarter is nearly half over? and that I will finally be done with school. Once I’m done with school I hope to play video games again (it’s been on the back burner for a long time with work and school) and I’d also like to finally get into pcb / keyboard design.

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