Creating Multi-touch, Multi-user Games on Microsoft SurfaceSurfacing Gang
rm301 (sponsored) (GDC Summary)
Eric Havir (MS Surface) , Dyala Kattan-Wright (Carnegie Mellon University – D&D), Gretchen Richter De Medeiros (MS Surface), Joe Engalan (Vectorform)

My Summary:
Pretty damned useful sales pitch, actually. All my questions were answered, and I was left pretty excited by the possibilities. If this catches on. Later I talked to some industry mocap people and my excitement was reeled back in a bit (because they can track more dots with single $500 camera than this entire $10,000 5 camera system can handle).

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Posted in GDC.

gov guyGrand Challenge for Game Developers rm132 – 4:20pm – Kumar Garg (GDC summary)

lots of nervous nods to the idea that they’re the first administration to approach the gaming community.
talking about how he played games. and what the first family plays.
we’re apparently challenged to build innovative games to help kids eat better and be more active. – announced today.

His appearance, and the challenge, is part of open government initiative.
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Posted in GDC.

JammersGlobal Game Jam – 3pm rm302 (GDC summary)

My Summary:

This session let a handful of teacher-types get up and talked about their favored memories/lessons from this year’s “global game jam” (Basically, there’s this yearly event, where small groups meets up and make a game in under 48 hours).

Raw Notes:

– They had over 900 games submitted. All are available at their .org (w: ….infoverload. yikes). Continue reading

Posted in GDC.

The Games for Learning Institute: Research on Design : 10am – rm133 (summary)
arrived 5 minutes late.

G4LIThree G4LI speakers. Ken talking first (looks like ted raimi), about how we (schools) usually try to make games with no idea how, and thus threw/blew a bunch of money. So his group turned to science(!). …dropped a game name, but i didn’t catch it (mac was still booting up). check slides? (numbers in circle… factoring?).

Talking about eye trackers. shows horrific old torture device to prove kids won’t wear. then talks about the built into tv solution (likely the one those rude Australian bastards invented. “Tobii“). claims you can’t get these for less than $20,000. He’s unaware of cheaper solutions, classic (I recall Arrington Research selling one for just a couple grand that used black and white imagers. Wonder if he’d take it seriously…).

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4:15- Increasing Our Reach: Designing To Grab and Retain Players
RandyApparently this is the keynote. Speaker rants off a charming intro about not being that indie, and his fears that the crowd will rush the stage and attack him (well that’s kinda what he was implying. he wasn’t that explicit).

This year his company released “Spider: the secret of blah blah manor.” It uses a design philosphy he calls “Immediacy with depth” (first 10 minutes should always be awesome, while depth brings you back). his focus is on applying this to iPhone games. Continue reading

Posted in GDC.

3:30 – 5th Cell: from mobile to handheld & beyond (scribblenauts) (summary)
I had to run across from North hall basement to South Hall mezzanine, with zero time break, so i showed up 7 minutes late.
I thought this talk turned out to be a waste of time. but maybe I missed something in beginning?

raw notes:
Drawn to life led to many inquiries about making kid’s games. so they made Lock’s Quest to break out of the paradigm. (he asked for a show of hands as to who had played Lock’s Quest. I had the sense no one raised a hand. What the hell is Lock’s Quest?). Continue reading

Posted in GDC.