Capstone Project

Project follow up!

As I posted before, I am working on a project for cs467 class at OSU. I t has been a few weeks since my team started. I would like to talk about project status so far including blockers.

What is project about?

Briefly saying, we are creating a web based quiz creating software that allows a user create quiz and send it to candidates, such that can replace survey monkey.

What tech has been used?

We implemented our project with MERN stack ( MongoDB, Express, React, Node Js). For the framework, we are using react-bootstrap. And, we are using Auth and Redux.

What have I done so far ?

Thanks to our teammates, I mostly focus on Front-end of the program like getting data from users and display back to users. At this stage, most to data (limited to page I created) are stored in front-end as an array. This is because, that specific page should not only be able to receive a data from user, but also be able allow user the data in real time. Once, users satisfy with their entry, then data will be save on to server.

Thanks to the our teammates, back-end server is already set. Only left thing is to hook the page with the server.

Beside those technical thing, I also created a brand logo (Check out here)


What have our teammates done?

They are doing incredible. Before start the project, we separated our task. Myself focus on front-end, one is focus on back-end and another member is like multiplayer since she is working on both sides.

They already set up server and link it with our SW. Most of simple pages were done already, and we are working on major part of our tool such as rendering quiz for candidates, sending invitation for quiz and so on. You will be heard something more about it later (stay tune)

Any blockers?

Working on React is a blocker itself, that is because our experience is limited. And, there are bunch of new packages and some of implementations are changed through the version update. But, our team is handling well those blockers so far by helping and sharing their knowledges.

It takes more time to complete each task than expected, but it seems worth when I see results after those hard working. Can’t wait to see our final result after this quarter.

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