Category Archives: History

Peace march begins at OSU

Linda Richards, hosted a group participating in the 13th annual Pacific Northwest Interfaith Peace Walk. Full article

Posted in Departmental News, Faculty News, History, History of Science, Peace and Social Justice | Leave a comment

Fall 2016 Classes on Flickr

SHPR is offering a diverse array of upper division courses for F16. Be sure to check out our Flickr Gallery to browse through your options!

Posted in Departmental News, History, History of Science, Philosophy, Religious Studies | Leave a comment

Winter 2016 Classes on Flickr

SHPR is offering a diverse array of upper division courses for W16. Be sure to check out our Flickr Gallery to browse through your options!

Posted in Departmental News, History, History of Science, Philosophy, Religious Studies | Leave a comment

WWI Panel Convened at OSU Special Collections

What did WWI mean for the concept of citizenship and for citizens as they experienced and later commemorated the sacrifices made? History of Science graduate students Tamara Caulkins and Matt McConnell review and discuss the recent WW1 panel discussion held … Continue reading

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World War 1: A Reader’s Guide

As you are aware by now I am an historian, and a historian’s answer to almost any question is something like: ‘ there must be a book about that; I need to find it (them); I need to read it … Continue reading

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WW1 and Poetry at Flander’s Field

Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. … Continue reading

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Long Live the King

Louis XIV, who saw himself as the new Alexander the Great, adopted the lion as one of his symbols. Although he didn’t wear a lion skin on his head like Alexander, real and imaginary lions surrounded him. Anita Guerrini presents … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, History | Leave a comment

War Against Nature, the Backbone of the South

“You’ve heard the phrase “war is hell.”  But you probably haven’t heard the phrase “war is when you attack agroecosystems.”  It’s a lesser known aphorism of General Sherman’s, to be sure…. But reading Lisa Brady’s book, War Upon the Land, … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, History, War and Conflict | Leave a comment

Kati Horna — did you know Gisele Freund?

Kati Horna (nee Deutsch Blau) is featured in an exhibit at le Jeu de Paume in Paris right now. Like many women artists and intellectuals, her light has been obscured by the famous company she kept. They were both women … Continue reading

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Listen in on “The New Surveillance Society” – July 27th on NPR

Assistant professor of history Christopher McKnight Nichols can be heard on Philosophy Talk’s program on the “The New Surveillance Society” which will air nationally on NPR on Sunday July 27, 2014 and throughout that week. (The show was  taped in … Continue reading

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