We interviewed a number of exceptional candidates for the Assistant VP for Research Integrity (AVPRI) position….thanks to all of you who were able to participate in those meetings. The search committee and Cindy did their very best to recruit the most qualified candidates, but all accepted competing offers. Therefore, Cindy has announced this a failed search. We intend to re-compete the position in one year. In the meantime, we are pleased to announce that Mark Peters has agreed to continue in his current capacity as interim director for the ORI. Please join me in thanking Mark for his continued service in this position and please let Cindy know if you have any further questions.


FROM PAT HAWK: I want to let you know how excited I am to announce that Kim Calvery is transitioning to a new position entitled Research Program Operations Officer. While it is a position still residing within OSRAA and reporting to me, Kim will be physically located in the CEOAS Administration Building. Kim’s new position is responsible for the business and strategic planning, and operational execution and oversight of our Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV) program and the Marine Operations Program. These are two highly visible and high-risk projects that need a higher level of operational support that will assist OSU in successful management of both projects. There are very few people, if any, at OSU that have Kim’s knowledge on both our financial system and grant regulations. Kim was part of the BSR site visit process, so she has a good understanding of the issues NSF reported. She has also assisted with some of the analysis required by the NSF Inspector General audit on Ship Operations. Kim has already begun her transition to this new position, so I have disbanded the Research Costing and Analysis Unit. Rachel Polansky and Jenny James have joined the Cash and Financial Management Unit and now report to Sandy Cobb.

Some other exciting news that I wanted to share is that OSRAA received funding for a new position. In a year where many departments have only received “flat funding”, this is very exciting and tells me that OSU Administration recognizes the importance of our offices’ functions. After much discussion, the OSRAA Management Team determined that an additional Assistant Grant and Contract Officer is our most pressing need. The bittersweet news that accompanies this exciting news is that Larry Weymouth has decided to resign his position, moving to a half-time appointment for the month of August, with August 31 being his last day. Larry came to us in January 2013 after taking retirement from a lengthy career at CH2M Hill. Mark Bierly will be leading the Search Committee and we will recruit for two Assistant Grant and Contract Officers—one being a brand new position, and one being a replacement for Larry.

COPIER UPDATE- B306 and B308

By request, CN has updated the copier/printer list for B306 and B308. If you are in B306 or B308, you now have access in your printer list to both of the Ricoh copiers. In case your copier goes down, there will be the other one available. Any questions or if you don’t see the printer in your list of printers, please contact Stephen at Stephen.Hotard@oregonstate.edu


It was a slow week for photos so here is a montage of my trip to Enchanted Forest yesterday with two 8 year boys (one of which is my son, Anton). Always a good time!

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