Most of you have already met Mark Peters, our Export Controls and Compliance Officer. Mark will be doing a presentation on his unit at the next RO All Staff Meeting on 5/27 to give everyone a bit more background on his role. In the meantime, please note this recent article from USA Today. An example of why International Compliance and Export Controls are critical to a university’s success.
For this year’s TRY-Athalon, Kim Reese has graciously volunteered to be Team Captain for the RO. It is $10 to participate and the money goes to support Faculty/Staff Fitness. The RO currently needs 6 runners, walkers or swimmers. Please email Kim directly (Kimberly.Reese@oregonstate.edu) if you would like to volunteer. The event is only an hour long and you either run, walk or swim with your team for 20 minutes. You choose one of the events and it is a tag team 25 yard walk, run or swim. This is an event just about anyone can do, you do not need to be an Olympic athlete or even close… it’s a lot of fun, a great bonding experience and this year for entering you get a pair of sun glasses! Timing is: June 5th 12:00-1:00. If you are a swimmer then you will need to be at the Langton pool at 11:30.If you need more information, please go to this website for support.
Many of our staff and visitors have enjoyed the seed giveaways at Mimi Poitras’ desk over the past few years. Thanks to Mimi’s persistence and Berry Treat and Denis Sather great connections, the RO was able to obtain a new supply of vegetable seeds to offer as giveaways. We received some Indigo Rose and Indigo Cherry Drops from A.P. Whaley Seed Company. Jim Myers from the Horticulture Department was kind enough to send us a supply of Gold Nugget, Siletz, Santiam and Oregon Cherry tomatoes. As well as Oregon Giant Snow Peas, Honey Boat and Sugar Loaf Delicata Squash. These seeds are available to you but are limited in supply so please choose sparingly. We want to make sure there are plenty for all of visitors as well as our RO gardeners (and aspiring gardeners).