Dr. Roy Haggerty has been appointed by VP for Research, Cindy Sagers, as Associate Vice President for Research. His appointment will become effective on August 30, 2016. Dr. Haggerty is currently the interim Dean of the College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences and the Hollis M. Dole Professor of Environmental Geology at OSU. Roy has been an OSU faculty member since 1996 and served as head of the geology program from 2003-2006. He is a highly regarded hydrologist with expertise in nutrient and energy flow in streams, and the movement of contaminants in groundwater. He graduated from the University of Alberta and holds graduate degrees in hydrology from Stanford University. Dr. Haggerty takes on the position of Associate Vice President following Dr. Rich Holdren’s retirement on June 30, 2016.  We thank Rich for his vital role in shaping the success of the Office of Research over the past sixteen years. Please join us in welcoming Roy to his new position in the Research Office.


Dr. Brenda McComb recently announced her decision to step down from her appointment as Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, and retire effective August 1, 2016. Brenda will continue on a part time basis to take some projects to closure and to help ensure a smooth transition in Academic Affairs. Interim Provost, Ron Adams, plans to fill the Senior Vice Provost position as quickly as possible, and President Ray will appoint a new co-chair for the Leadership Council for Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice later this summer – a role in which Brenda also served. We will share additional information with you as it becomes available.


Thomas Maness, Dean of the College of Forestry,  will be away from the College for health reasons from July 1 to September 30. During this period, Senior Associate Dean Jim Johnson has agreed to lead the College as Acting Dean. Adrienne Wonhof will continue to support the Dean. The College has also hired a new Associate Dean for Research, Anthony Davis. Anthony will join us on campus on September 19.  At that time, Steve Tesch will transition to work on special projects until his April 2017 retirement. Anthony and Steve are working collaboratively to ensure the handover goes as smoothly as possible and I thank them both for their efforts. Additionally, Peavy Hall is being vacated and will start to come down in August. Much of the building is being recycled, and some components will appear in the new building. Construction starts in the Fall.


CL@SE was created as an innovation, combining both research and engagement addressing Latino issues in Oregon and the nation. In its short history, CL@SE has succeeded in building a network of Latino partners throughout Oregon and beyond.Since its inception in 2012, CL@SE has been supported by multiple offices across campus: Office of the Provost, Office of Research, Deans of the Colleges of Education and Liberal Arts and the Division of University Outreach and Engagement. At OSU, all centers and institutes are subject to periodic reviews. Detailed in the original proposal was a plan for “…a potential two-year renewal based on assessment of outcomes after three years.” The review initiated in 2016 revealed that the center was falling short of academic expectations in terms of grants and publications, and as of March 2016 was facing a projected budget deficit of approximately $120,000.  We are starting a process to strengthen CL@SE and align its structure and function with available resources. Institutional partners involved in this effort will include the Office of Diversity & Cultural Engagement, the Chief Diversity Officer, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access, CL@SE associate directors, and the CL@SE advisory council. This process will include the evaluation of CL@SE’s mission, strategic vision, organizational structure, and business plan.

Currently, CL@SE staff includes:
• Daniel López-Cevallos, CL@SE Associate Director of Research
• Ana Gomez-Diazgranados, CL@SE Associate Director of Engagement
• Maydra Valencia, Juntos Coordinator and CL@SE Associate Director of Engagement Oregon Coast, (supported by O&E).

Ana and Daniel will continue in their full capacities as associate directors of CL@SE with committed funding support from the Research Office and the Division of Outreach and Engagement. Their roles are to promote the center and its mission, to enrich partnerships with Latino communities across Oregon, and to oversee operations within the CL@SE office, including supervision of student interns. As we proceed, we plan to involve OSU and external stakeholder community in a facilitated forum this fall to refine needed CL@SE leadership, strategic priorities and a business plan for going forward.


Due to hectic July schedules we must cancel the next RO All Hands scheduled for July 26. Jane will send a new date for August soon. Thanks for your flexibility!


Michelle Warf’s pup, Jazzy, says HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

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