In case you missed the announcement in last week’s All Staff, Rich Holdren announced the bittersweet news that he will be retiring as Assoc. VP for Research this summer. No doubt this will not be the last you hear about this…we won’t let Rich go quietly! Additionally, Pat Jones will be joining the Research Office as a contract employee assisting with many of the things Ron Adams was doing in his former role as EAVP for Commercialization. You can read more about Pat here: pljones-bio_1-06-2016. As Cindy discussed in the All Staff, the RO is hoping to recruit two AVPs to fill gaps when Rich departs, as well as the role Ron formerly had. One position focusing on the OCCD/ORD “Strategic” side of the house, the other focusing on OSRAA/ORI “Operational” functions. These proposed AVP positions as well as our current directors and AVPs will continue to have direct reporting lines to the VPR. We will update you as this plan progresses and takes shape. Feel free to reach out to your supervisors with any questions you may  have!


OSRAA training/outreach session in 2016: January 25, 2016, from 1:30-3:00pm, in Snell 106. This session will last 90 minutes and OSRAA staff will not only present the draft document, but also answer questions. Since seating will be limited to about 100 campus-wide,  attendees must RSVP to osraa@oregonstate.edu.

Professional Faculty Leadership Association (PFLA) open house: Tuesday, Feb. 9 anytime between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., Memorial Union, Room 208 to learn from current members about what PFLA has to offer you as a member. Bring your lunch. Drinks and cookies will be provided. If you attend, you will receive a $10 discount on membership for signing up. (Dues are normally $30 annually)

RO All Staff Mtg- Special Training re; Unconscious Bias. Tuesday Feb. 23, 10-12pm, MU 206. Please note this is a MANDATORY MEETING for all RO staff, hosted by Anne Gilles and Jane Waite. Please speak to your supervisor ASAP if you have an unavoidable scheduling conflict. More details coming soon.



The Research Office is pleased to announce the awards for the Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Creativity (URISC) Winter and/or Spring 2016. A total of 31 proposals were submitted to the Research Office. Based on the recommendation of the URISC Advisory Panel, the Vice President for Research awarded 15 proposals for Winter and/or Spring 2016 totaling $17,980. The following proposals have been selected for URISC Winter and/or Spring 2016 funding:
Bailey-Crandell, Ryan [Major: Physics] (Faculty Project Advisor: Ethan Minot, Dept. of Physics, College of Science): “Graphene Biosensors made from h-BN Heterostructures”
Bohrer, Ellie [Major: Zoology, University Honors College] (Faculty Project Advisor: Michelle Kutzler, Dept. of Animal and Rangeland Sciences, College of Agricultural Sciences): “Determining Onset of Puberty in Feral Cats”
Bortvedt, Amy [Major: Biology] (Faculty Project Advisor: Stacey Harper, Dept. of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, College of Science): “Impacts of Nanoencapsulation on Pesticide Toxicity, Stability and Persistence”
Chau, Trisha [Major: Biochemistry and Biophysics, University Honors College] (Faculty Project Advisor: Colin Johnson, Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics, College of Science): “Characterization of FerIL-6”
Feng, Mu [Major: Biochemistry and Biophysics] (Faculty Project Advisor: Steve Strauss, Dept. of Forest Ecosystems and Society, College of Forestry): “Testing the Function of Insulator Elements in Transgenic Poplar”
Fiez, Tanner [Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering] (Faculty Project Advisor: Matthew Johnston, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering): “Capacitive Sensing for Droplet Detection with Application in Glaucoma Treatment Adherence”
Haven, Katlyn [Major: Zoology] (Faculty Project Advisor: Lorenzo Ciannelli, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences): “Video Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Variation in the Microhabitat of Young of the Year Groundfishes along a Bathymetric Gradient off of the Central Oregon Coast”
Hay-Roe, Samuel [Major: Zoology] (Faculty Project Advisor: Rebecca Terry, Dept. of Integrative Biology, College of Science): “SEM Analysis of Digestive Wear on Rodent Bones between Avian and Mammalian Predators: A Study of Modern and Fossilized Remains”
Jackson, Emily [Major: Earth Science, Geology and General Science, Pre-Education] (Faculty Project Advisor: Anita Grunder, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences): “History of Explosive Volcanism in Central Oregon”
Kim, Joseph Yoojong [Major: Biochemistry and Biophysics, University Honors College] (Faculty Project Advisor: Hong Moulton, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine): “Assessing a Zebrafish Model for In Vivo Delivery of Morpholino Oligomers”
Meinke, Jeremy [Major: Physics] (Faculty Project Advisor: Weihong Qiu, Dept. of Physics, College of Science): “Molecular Mechanism of the Processive Movement and Directionality of FRA1”
Nguyen, Duy [Major: Computer Science and Psychology, University Honors College] (Faculty Project Advisor: Frank Bernieri, School of Psychological Science, College of Liberal Arts): “How to Improve Speech-Assisted Devices”
Scherelis, Victoria [Major: Earth Sciences, Ocean Science option] (Faculty Project Advisor: Ed Brook, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences): “Carbon Dioxide in Greenland Ice Cores and Applications to Reconstructing Past Greenhouse Gas Levels”
Toe, Soe Wai Lyian [Major: Energy Systems Engineering] (Faculty Project Advisor: Karl Haapala, School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, College of Engineering): “Experimental Investigation of Material and Process Parameters on 3D Printer Energy Use”
Whitley, Hannah [Major: Anthropology (Biocultural), Sociology, Religious Studies] (Faculty Project Advisor: Hilary Boudet, School of Public Policy, College of Liberal Arts): “Community Reactions to Extreme Weather Events”


General Research Fund (GRF) Spring 2016: The Research Office Incentive Programs is accepting applications for the GRF Spring 2016 solicitation. The intent of the GRF program is to enable faculty to carry out scholarly, creative work that should lead to the pursuit of other funding sources, or promote the development of scholarly activities. Program description and application: http://oregonstate.edu/research/incentive/grf. Information: Debbie Delmore at debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu. Deadline for submission: Feb. 15.


rich fin
Rich and his Los Angeles-area grandson, Finn @ 20 months during Thanksgiving 2015! Credit photo to Paul Ringold. Finn called to let me know he’s very excited about Rich’s retirement and expects a lot more grandpa-time in the future!

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