New!  Apply to Join the Teaching and AI Faculty Learning Community

“Ready or not, ChatGPT is now in your classroom. It can write papers, essays, and poems. It can create art and write computer code in many languages. This is not however the time to panic; it is the time to focus on the value you offer students as their instructor.” –Ryan Watkins, Update Your Course Syllabus for ChatGPT

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more deeply intertwined in our personal and professional lives, we as educators are experiencing a range of emotions and reactions.  Do any of the statements below resonate with you?  I have experienced all of them at different times. 

  • I know I need to make changes in my teaching because of generative AI tools like ChatGPT but I don’t know where to start.
  • I’m excited about AI tools and how they can improve the teaching and learning environment. 
  • I am concerned about AI and academic integrity.

If you are interested in exploring this topic with colleagues across the university we hope you will consider joining us in Winter ‘24 for a brand new Faculty Learning Community (FLC) on AI. The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Academic Technologies are excited to pilot this new FLC. As a group, FLC members will experiment with AI tools and how they can support our work as educators; explore how we respond to the immediate impact of AI in education; hear from experts and students; and develop proactive teaching strategies for navigating this changing landscape in academia. 

The learning community blends five required Zoom meetings with online learning activities in Canvas throughout the term. The total time commitment averages approximately 90 minutes per week. The learning community will meet winter term on the following Thursdays, 2:00-3:30 p.m.:  January 18, February 1, February 15, February 29 and March 14.  Space is limited and funding will be provided. 

Oregon State University fixed-term and tenured/tenure-track faculty who regularly teach credit-based Corvallis and Cascades campus courses are encouraged to apply. (Please note this learning community is not for the development or redevelopment of Ecampus courses.) To be considered for participation in this learning community, please submit an expression of interest by Monday, December 4, by filling out this application form.  Participants will be notified of acceptance by Monday, December 11.

Questions? Contact Raven Chakerian,

Related faculty opportunities:

Join CTL and Academic Technologies on Zoom for a 45-minute workshop to explore resources such as CTL Guidance for Syllabus Statements about AI Use. There will be opportunities to consider AI use at the course level, to plan your next steps to learn about AI tools, and to share your experiences and questions. November 29, 1 to 1:45 p.mRegister now.

CTL is also offering a Winter ’24 Resilient Teaching Faculty Learning Community. See the call for participation.

Raven Chakerian is the 2023-24 CTL blended learning fellow and senior instructor of Spanish and Italian in the School of Language, Culture and Society.

Image generated by Merlin, November 17, 2023


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