CTL Announces Call for Blended Learning Faculty Fellow

LINC Building

High quality blended learning, which combines the strengths of on-campus and online teaching, continues to grow in popularity as higher education moves back to campus after the recent period of remote teaching. CTL, Academic Technologies, Ecampus, and the Office of Undergraduate Education are partnering to launch a 2022 Blended Learning Innovations in Pedagogy (BLIP) initiative. Within CTL, a Blended Learning Faculty Fellow will take a lead role in this initiative to support our strategic goals of enhancing student success and developing a culture of teaching innovation at OSU.

The Blended Learning Faculty Fellow will coordinate a yearlong OSU course redesign program, working with the lead instructors of 3 to 5 large-enrollment courses on structural redesign to improve student success. Course improvements may, for instance, involve pedagogical changes (e.g., more active learning), educational technology (e.g., use of student response systems), student support (e.g., training of LAs), or use of Open Educational Resources.

The Blended Learning Faculty Fellow will also examine course structure and use of technology and pedagogical techniques in OSU gateway courses to set the stage for better implementation of future course improvements.

Nominations for the Faculty Fellow are solicited from academic leadership (deans, directors, and department heads) and will also be accepted directly from interested candidates. See Blended Learning Faculty Fellow Call for Applications. Applications are due Nov. 1.

The Faculty Fellow appointment will begin in January and will include winter, spring and fall terms 2022. CTL will provide a $20,000 stipend.


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