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An update will be released to our development environment on Thursday, October 4th, 2018. Barring any security releases, this update will be pushed to our production environment on Tuesday, October 9th, 2018. The following updates will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

An update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, September 11th, 2018. Barring any security releases, this update will be pushed to our production environment on Thursday, September 20th, 2018. The following updates will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • Better Exposed Filters 7.x-3.6
    • Line endings fixed
    • Deselection of links now possible
    • Removed usage of deprecated each() function for PHP 7.2+ future proofing
    • Secondary filter position fixed when using custom filter identifier
    • Fixed 7.x branch tests
    • Fixed coding standards for 7.x-3.2
  • Domain Access 7.x-3.15
    • Feature added: Function added that returns both the canonical URL and all possible URLs.
    • Screenshot size adjusted
    • Display inherited screenshot when using subthemes
  • Google Tag Manager 7.x-1.4
    • Executable checks added to snippet directory preparation with consideration given to filesystem ACLs
    • Revised message text, restricted message display to admin users and log error messages
  • Libraries 7.x-2.4
  • Profile2 7.x-1.5
    • profile2_load_by_user() cache now clears earlier on saving
    • Profile 2 types that are restricted by role now show for admin users
    • Fixed incompatibility with inline entity form widget
    • Profile tokens now available directly after adding/registering user
    • Main profile is no longer loaded twice – performance improvement
    • Menu rebuild now ensured after deleting a profile type
  • Webform Views Select 7.x-1.0
    • First stable release. Contains some bug fixes since the last RC.

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

An update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, August 28th, 2018. Barring any security releases, this update will be pushed to our production environment on Thursday, September 6th, 2018. The following updates will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • Charts 7.x-2.1
    • Ability provided for default and custom chart colors.
    • Fixed the way that colors are passed in geomaps, which corrects the black appearance they always have.
    • Fixed charts that were not displaying.
  • Media 7.x-2.20
    • Fixed If media_bulk_upload, plupload and multiform are disabled: watchdog Notice: Undefined index multiselect in template_preprocess_media_views_view_media_browser()
    • Fixed disable Option “Keep original filename” in Media Bulk Upload
    • Fixed double brackets filter error
    • Fixed Fatal Error ‘getActiveLanguage() on a non-object’ with Conditional Fields & Entity Translation
    • Fixed Issue that was breaking recognition of media tags
    • Fixed workflow where “Edit file” in Media Browser should return to Media Browser
    • Fixed error introduced during token format 3.0 upgrade
    • Media token upgrade only for files used by ‘media’ module

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

An update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, July 17th, 2018. Barring any security releases, this update will be pushed to our production environment on Thursday, July 26th, 2018. The following updates will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • UUID 7.x-1.1
    • Security Release. Fixed arbitrary file upload via services REST server on uuid_services.
  • Organic Groups 7.x-2.10
    • Much more than 10 items. Please refer to project’s release notes for details.
  • Display Suite 7.x-2.16
    • Fixed a rendering bug with blocs embedded in the layout.
  • Google Analytics 7.x-2.5
    • Added useAmpClientid to create fields.
    • Fixed incorrect permission name.
    • Fixed Drupal sending personally identifiable info to Google Analytics.
    • Fixed incorrect text.
    • Fixed test failures.

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

An update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018. Barring any security releases, this update will be pushed to our production environment on Thursday, May 31st, 2018. The following updates will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

An update was released to our development environment on Thursday, May 10th, 2018. Barring any security releases, this update will be pushed to our production environment on Thursday, May 17th, 2018. The following updates will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • File Entity 7.x-2.21
    • Performance fix – renamed file_entitycache_file_load to file_entity_entitycache_file_load.
    • php 5.2 compatibility. Tertiarary operator syntax.
  • Webform 7.x-4.17
  • WYSIWYG 7.x-2.5
    • This update is only relevant to those sites that are still using the old editor, TinyMCE. If you would like to switch to the new CKEditor, which is a painless process that provides a far superior user experience and will be the default going forward, please submit a help ticket.
    • Verified CKEditor 4.9.2.
      • NOTE: CKEditor 4.5.11 up to 4.9.1 have security issues: https://www.drupal.org/sa-core-2018-003 (*OSU Drupal 7 currently uses a patched version of the 4.5.11 CDN that has addressed this issue.)
    • Fixed the block_formats setting for TinyMCE.

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

An update was released to our production environment today, Thursday, May 3rd, 2018. The following update will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • None

OSU Module Updates

OSU Theme Updates

  • Doug Fir 7.x-4.2
    • Fixes mobile menu
    • Adds Google Analytics code for OSU analytics that will now be hardcoded and hidden

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

A security update was released to our production environment today, Wednesday, April 25, 2018:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None


If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form

*Notes updated to reflect missed update item.

A security update was released to our development environment on Friday, April 20, 2018. This update will be pushed to our production environment on Friday, April 20th. The following update will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

An update was released to our development environment on Tuesday, March 20, 2018. Barring any security releases, this update will be pushed to our production environment on Thursday, March 22nd. The following updates will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.