Weekly news

Week 3 Winter 2023

Winter term is ramping up with assignment due dates, midterms, and other deadlines on the horizon. The cold, grey weather can definitely make motivation extra hard to come by, so be sure to seek out and plan activities that give you the boost you need.

Weekly news

Week 5 Fall 2022

Can you believe we’re already halfway through the term? It feels like we just started, but winter registration is already upon us!

Weekly news

Week 3 Fall 2022

With the warm, dry weather, there are extra opportunities to explore some of the awesome outdoor spaces on campus. So if you have a chance check out some of these hidden gems this week.

Weekly news

Week 2 Fall 2022

Happy October Beavers! The term is definitely in full swing and as is so often the case, it will go by quicker than expected.

Weekly news

Week Zero Fall 2022

The Office of Student Success (OSS) is so excited to welcome one and all to another academic year!

Weekly news

Week Ten Spring 2022

Hope your Spring term is going well. Remember to prioritize your health alongside your academics in the next weeks as you finish off final projects, papers, and exams! Take care and enjoy the sunny days Beavs!

Weekly news

Week Seven Spring 2022

We hope your Spring term is going well. With many midterm projects, papers, and examinations to complete, remember to prioritize your health along with your academics in the coming weeks!

Weekly news

Week Five Spring 2022 

Here’s hoping that you are settling into Spring term. The weather is supposed to be rainy this week, so don’t forget waterproof shoes, rain jackets, and umbrellas on your way around campus!

Weekly news

Week Four Winter 2022

We are almost halfway, don’t give up:)

Weekly news

Finals Week Fall 2021

Good luck on finals, Beavs! A couple days left and you can enjoy your break. Please reach out to your academic advisor or any other services listed below if you need help!