
Luke’s Blog 2 The Sequel

I’m writing this to continue the momentum built up by the wildly successful Luke’s Blog. This, the sequel I hope will be met with the same critical acclaim as the original. It got me thinking, how do you follow up on perfection? The answer I came to is with more perfection. In this blog you will read the wild misadventures of me doing school.

It’s been quite a week. I find week 2 of school to be the real beginning of every term, as all the classes I take seem to take the gloves off and start swinging in week 2. It’s like they are trying to give you a bit of false hope during week one, only to come around and sucker punch you in the gut week 2. That’s not to say I’m not enjoying the fight. There’s something I find I can get out of that kind of struggle that I can’t find elsewhere. My experience with high school wrestling taught me that. There’s something different about struggling with every fiber of your being against someone doing the same. The fear and nervousness before the match, and the exhaustion 30 seconds in only to find out that you’ve only just begun. Which brings me back to week 2, because I know its only just the beginning.

I met with my group for the first time this week. Our project is called DUNE, and as far as I can tell, we will be trying to make sense of a lot of data in order to understand more about Neutrinos. This was very impressive to me, as were my collaborators. I feel as though I am a very small fish who has just happened to land in the middle of the Pacific. I hope to do my best to be an asset on this project. I have lately been thinking about what I aspire to be one day, and I have come to the conclusion that I would like to be an amazing person that people can look up to. I was pretty nervous about this project, as I don’t know if I am ready or able to do it. It is a daunting challenge that looks impossible from the outset. I was pretty demotivated until I realized that this is the kind of challenge that an amazing person would conquer. They always seem to be just going about their day to day life, casually doing the impossible. Maybe this is my first step to accomplishing that kind of dream.

Thanks for reading my blog to the one guy who has to grade this. You are my favorite.


Luke’s Blog

Hey, welcome to my blog, if you are reading this, you are most likely also grading this, so I hope I didn’t screw this up.  However, if you are here and are not obligated to be here I am glad to have you, you singlehandedly have made my blog far more successful than I expected.  The other person who may be reading this is Future Luke.  Hi Future Luke, I hope things are working out for you the way I hope they do, but I know how these things go, where priorities change and things come up.

I’m writing this mostly as an outlet to just get some of my thoughts written out.  Sometimes its hard for me to keep track of everything so I hope this helps.  I’m writing this in the middle of a massive pandemic, before a monumental election.  Maybe when future Luke sees this everything will be back to normal, but somehow I think that’s a bit unlikely.  Maybe you are reading this in 1000 years after the world ended.  What’s it like? Are there still humans?  Did we ever colonize space? Do you understand memes?  There’s a lot of things I’d like to ask you if this time capsule worked two ways.  I just moved back into my parents house, it seems like the trendy thing to do for people my age.  I wasn’t exactly looking forward to it but I’m determined to make the most of it.

Well, to the one person who has to grade this, I hope this didn’t feel like a waste of time.  I would appreciate 100%, thanks!  And to the people of the future, I hope the good guys won.  I know that maybe this doesn’t fill the requirements, but I feel like this is a better intro to a blog that I can be happy about.  Thanks for reading!
