Category: Uncategorized

  • Most Important Thing I’ve Learned

    Throughout this term we have learned many important things but in my opinion I feel like week two’s lecture is probably the most important one for someone who is looking to working in the HR department as lawsuits can easily ruin a company, not just financially but also their brand. The first and foremost important…

  • Self-Reflection

    1. What am I good at? Some of the characteristics that I know set me apart from other people is the hard work I put in and the hard work that I know needs to be put in. I pride myself on being the hardest worker in the room and having a positive attitude that…

  • Week 7

    Based on the 5 dimensions of personality, I scored high in extraversion with a 64 but scored low on everything else. For agreeableness, I scored a 28, conscientiousness I scored a 51, neuroticism I scored a 39, and openness I scored a 9. I think this is a pretty accurate assessment of me, especially with…

  • Typical vs Maximal Performance

    If you were in the shoes of the business owner and had to choose which person would you hire (Avery or Jaime) and why? If I was the business owner in this situation, the most likely person I would hire is Jaime. This is due to the fact that I know I can rely on…

  • Critiquing a Recruitment Ad

    Step 1: Take some time to reflect on how you would answer the following two prompts: First, what is your brand? By this, I mean what is the first impression that you present to potential employers? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What makes you unique or different? My brand as an employee…

  • Job Description

    Think of the last job you had. How much did the job description influence your decision to apply for the position? How closely did your experience on the job match the job description? In what ways was it similar and in what ways was it different? If you have it available, please share a copy of…

  • Experiences with Discrimination

    Would the outstanding claims of discrimination change the way you felt about the company? Would it influence your decisions to support that company? Would it change whether or not you applied to work for that company in the future? Why or why not? If I were to be put in this situation, I would have…

  • Staffing & the Case for Recruitment & Selection

    Organizations might decide to allocate more resources toward marketing or product design rather than employee recruitment and selection because they may not know the importance of a great employee. Many businesses believe that their employees are expendable, especially those at minimum wage jobs. They also might be looking at the short-term benefits of a great…

  • Job Application Experience

    My most recent job application that I have done was over this past summer where I applied to UFC Gym in Honolulu, Hawaii. I found out about the job on Instagram as they posted that they were hiring and I had just finished up school and was looking for a summer job. I had already…