Taking Flight: The Honors College Welcomes the Return of International Opportunities

The opportunity to study internationally has long been a uniquely rewarding part of many students’ undergraduate experiences, but COVID restrictions have made it one that can also be uniquely difficult to access. With a little luck and a lot of persistence, though, it is still possible. Oregon State staff and faculty members James Sterns, Dominique […]

5 Great Things About Living in a Residence Hall

I tried to research as much as I possibly could before moving to campus my first year at Oregon State University, but it ended up being so much more than I had expected! The following information is based on the two years I spent living in Sackett Hall, one of the honors residence halls. Here […]

Healthy Food for All: Honors Program Alum Gives Back to the HC

“The instant ramen of the health food world” — that is what Oregon State University honors program alum Jan Matsuno set out to create when she left her traditional corporate job to build a company from scratch, right from her very own kitchen. Four years and one global pandemic later, her products have landed on […]

Come As You Are

Growing up in Corvallis alongside an autistic sister, Sahana Shah gained an appreciation for her family member’s unique perspectives and learning style. But Sahana couldn’t help having concerns. “What is her future going to look like? Will she go to college?”  When Sahana arrived at Oregon State University with a Donald G. and Grace I. […]

This Undergraduate Is “Krilling” It

Giulia Wood’s summer activities — or, in her case, winter — have included polar plunges into the Southern Ocean, listening to cracking glaciers and conducting research on Antarctic krill.  The Honors biochemistry and molecular biology student is part of Kim Bernard’s all-women research team studying how juvenile krill behave during the winter. This year is […]

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The Sounds of Science: Turning Data Into Music

If DNA could make music, what song would it sing? If you are Oregon State University Honors College alum Lili Adams, your guess might be something along the lines of the Mario Brothers theme song — that is, of course, if the DNA you’re listening to comes from the North American Lionepha beetle. Born in […]