While working to make the quick, complicated switch to remote learning last spring, College of Education Assistant Professor Tenisha Tevis kept a positive attitude for her students as she taught HC 407: What is a Good Society?.
“I believe this course serves students well by providing them a safe space to think freely and dialogue openly about society’s greatest concerns,” Tenisha says. The class allows students to discuss the question of what makes a society a good one, grappling with diverse social issues and perspectives along the way.

Tenisha had to completely reconceptualize the class in order to fit into a remote learning format. “Part of being able to engage in what may be perceived as uncomfortable subject matter is having the opportunity to build relationships and develop a rapport with one’s peers,” she explains. “I worried how we were going to do that during a pandemic, online, in such a short amount of time; but we did!” she explains.
Though the class was taught completely online, Tenisha says that students were engaged every week, open to discussing concepts with her and their peers throughout the term. She also feels that the remote format removed some of the formality and hierarchy found in a traditional classroom.
Tenisha is excited to teach the course again, especially since there are many new concepts to consider as a class, including the continuing pandemic, racial unrest and the presidential election.
“I am anticipating loads of new things to cover, as well as, unfortunately, the same old things unresolved,” Tenisha says.
Tenisha also recently had the chance to meet a few incoming honors students who attended a demo session of her class. One student commented, “I really enjoyed the energy and openness from Tenisha. She was very engaging, funny and authentic. This demo class opened my eyes to how being part of OSU’s Honors College would enhance my education and allow me to participate in meaningful discussions and unique opportunities.”
Rohan Varma, a computer science major who took the class in spring, says that though remote learning is a shift from typical face-to-face conversations in colloquia, he still enjoyed the class.
“I enjoyed being able to explore several aspects of society and engage in discussions more generally about what we would like to see on a broader level,” he says.
By: Christopher McCracken
CATEGORIES: All Stories Courses and Faculty