This spring, students will be given the chance to exercise their creativity remotely, via an Ecampus version of Honors Introduction to Fiction Writing with Professor Rob Drummond. The course, which is a new take on the standard face-to-face version of the class, will allow students to experience the fiction writing process electronically with an Honors-twist.
The class is set up to first build on students’ writing proficiency and ease them into reading fiction and performing writing exercises. Then, students will be given some freedom to write on their own, ending the term with their own short story.
Rob Drummond guarantees in the course description, “You’ll walk out of the class a better writer and a more discriminating consumer of stories in all mediums.”
The course will be a worthwhile challenge — one that encourages students to think creatively, improve their writing, and learn to harness the power of narrative, an important skill for any profession.
This course is offered this spring term, and will be taught via Ecampus. Search for CRN 60123 to register
Rob Drummond is a Senior Instructor in the School of Writing Literature and Film and teaches several Honors College Colloquia:
The Truth Is Out There: The Rise of Conspiracy Theories
Folly’s Mirror: The Power and Reach of Contemporary Satire
Because It’s There (And Looks Fun): Survival as Entertainment
From Preppers to Zombies: America’s Apocalypse Addiction
Short-Term Study Abroad in France, Outsiders to Insiders: Exploring Myth vs. Reality in Modern-Day France
By: Cara Nixon, HC Student Writer
CATEGORIES: All Stories Courses and Faculty