Tool Review: LiveBinders

This tool review was written by Tiffany Fegel

Overall I give LiveBinders three stars: ♦♦♦

I choose to review this tool because there is a very strong attachment to the ‘old’ way of the MWM program where each participant was handed a thick binder of the entire courses information. So I thought, well a virtual version of that could be cool! However, this program seems slightly outdated. And although the idea is an awesome one they miss the bar on a few things. It’s neat in that you can add pretty much any media type that you’d like, including (which I was surprised to find) an embedded survey monkey quiz. I think the program has a lot to offer and with more time spent developing each ‘tab’ could be really awesome! The learning curve for me was minimal as the program is similar to Droople. I think the learning curve for the student would be equally small, it’s pretty self-explanatory.

The cost is free. Another cool feature is they have android and apple Apps.


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2 Responses to Tool Review: LiveBinders

  1. Jeff Hino says:

    Glad you reviewed LiveBinders, Tiffany. Like you mentioned, it uses a metaphor that will feel comfortable for most users. The tabs at the top, for example…how much easier can it get? And being media-rich is critical, so it doesn’t become just a “binder-o-text.” It’s conceivable that LiveBinder could actually be the foundation for an entire blended course independent of Canvas, although you would lose the discussion capability. We haven’t really discussed this, but it is possible to forego LMSs like Canvas or Moodle and use something like LiveBinders, or a blog (WordPress) to put all your online materials on, and use other means of capturing discussion. But Canvas does make it easy. Thanks again for your review!

  2. LeeAnn says:

    Hi Tiffany,
    Thank you for your 3 star review- I found the livebinders app quite intriguing as well and your example and review were helpful.
    Be well,

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