Most Important Thing You’ve Learned

I think this is a tough question to answer because I feel like I am walking out of this class with more knowledge of the career that I am going into then any other class I have taken. I think the setting of how the year has been with all online classes has definitely impeded on my ability to learn but I have tried my best to stay engaged within these classes because they are interesting to me. I think the thing that is my biggest take away from this class would be our week 4 lectures on recruitment goals and strategy’s. I think this is something that is very interesting to me as I am going into recruitment after college and I think it is interesting to learn the different approaches and methods used in recruiting. I did not know there were so many forms of recruitment but when going through the slides and the lectures they are all ones that we see in our day to day lives. I think it is also interesting learning about the effectiveness of each type of recruitment and how they can be effective in different scenarios. I also thought it was interesting to see that you state the recruitment is a two way street because I think this is a very important case to be made because not only is a company recruiting for the right person but the person is wanting to be recruited to the right company for them. 

Thank you for this class, you have been one of my favorite professors throughout college because I really feel you are invested in the kids you teach and are willing to help them get the job they want and deserve. I feel this class are your other one I took gave me a lot of knowledge in the hiring process and made me a much better candite for when I applied to jobs.


1. What am I good at?

  • When it comes to my as a person I feel there are a few things that set me apart as an individual. I think that my care for the others around me and the understanding that everyone has there own battles you don’t know about helps me be compassionate and understanding while also helps me understand how I can truly help a person not just surface level. I think another skill I have is the ability to be organized not just on the surface level but I am someone who knows my schedule knows what is expected of me and also is clean and tidy, putting this together helps me be a very reliable worker that is different from other candidates.

2. What do I value?

  • When it comes to what I value and think is the most important to me I think there are two very distinct things. First is my relationships, both family and friends these are the people that keep me afloat when things get hard and they are with me through my highs and my lows. Second is my passion for experiencing new things, this could be traveling to a new country and experiencing a new culture or even going on a trip to see national parks or new states.

3. How did I get here?

  • This is not a simple question in anyway, shape or means. But I think there are some big points in my life that have lead me to where I am now. That being about to graduate Oregon State with a Business Management Degree and having a job for after college. I think these would include some major life events that have occurred over the last two years including being a care taker for a family member, and having the most difficult years of my life. My decision to change majors in Fall 2019, the fact that I have had three supportive brothers and two have gone to Oregon State that reassured me this is where I was meant to go, and lastly I think a big driving factor of who I am today is my parents and there divorce and my big family I have because of it.

4. Where am I going?

  • On my current trajectory I think that I will be working full time as a recruiter in a job I am very satisfied with but I will be lacking in the areas of my values that focus on my need for new experiences and learning new things. I think this because Portland has never been where I wanted to live, it has always been somewhere like Bend, or Boise. I am also never set on living in one place I would love to live in a few places before settling down, I think that my job could give me this opportunity but I will need to stick out a few years before this opportunity is presented and I am excited but nervous for this journey.

IPIP Results & Reactions

I decided to take the shorter version of this test. After taking the test and thinking about the question it was asking me I think this is a very interesting test. When it came to extraversion is that I am neither a total extrovert or an introvert but instead lie in the middle, I enjoy people but also enjoy being alone. On agreeableness I have a high level of agreeableness meaning I have a strong interest in other’s needs. Conscientiousness I score very high meaning I set goals and I don’t stop till I achieve them. Neuroticism I score high which means I can be sensitive and easily upset in even normal life scenarios, this surprised me the most as I am emotional but I feel more in high stress events. Lastly openness to experience, I scored low on this which means that people would likely describe me as down to earth and practical.

I think when it comes to what an employer might think about my test results is that they could vary and be both good and bad qualities. Some employers may look at my test results and worry about the quality of neuroticism, this is because employers to not want to deal with someone that gets stressed and upset easily over everyday life things. Then again they could see a big positive within me is that fact that I scored very high on the trait of conscientiousness this means that if I have a task I will complete it to the best of my ability and won’t have to be constantly reminded to perform tasks but instead will be an extremely reliable worker. I think another big one for employees would be looking at my extraversion I am talkative and outgoing but can be to myself and focused when I need, this will lead to relationships with employees but not someone that is to focused on talking then working. Lastly I think a big one that some employers could potential not look at but can be important is agreeableness, this is a good trait to have because you will care about others and the wellbeing of others and company as a whole. This will lead to important relationships that I would not jeprodize.