Welcome to the new Oregon State University Extension Service dairy blog, Dairy Bearing. The blog’s title might seem odd at first reading, but there’s a little more to it than the way it rolls off the tongue.  Dictionary.com (this is an internet-based medium, so forgive me for not pulling the print dictionary off the shelf), lists multiple definitions for bearing. They include

  • The manner in which one conducts or carries oneself
  • The act or capability of producing
  • The act of enduring
  • Reference or relation (e.g., having bearing on a problem)
  • Holding up or supporting
  • Moving in a particular direction

These definitions seem rather fitting if we think about them in the context of dairy farming.

The purpose of this blog is for us at OSU to share research results, techniques, resources, announcements, and other items that might be of interest to those involved in dairy production. Up above, there are permanent links that connect to various web pages that might be useful. This section that you’re currently reading will scroll along in typical blog fashion, with the most recent post at the top. Feel free to comment or post queries. Note that any comments not in the spirit of respectful discourse will be deleted.

And in the humor of the season:

Mother Goose and Grimm comic strip (2016-10-26) depicting vampires milking cows: "The Vampire Dairies".Mother Goose and Grimm

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