
Week 6 – Blog Post

This week has been a bizarre one, as it’s kind of seems like everything just slowed down. The election seems to be winding down and it made the week feel agonizingly long, especially with homework at the same time, it just felt difficult to focus this week. But at least it seems like this week’s homework hasn’t been too rough, so I’m taking time to rest up a little bit and get ready for the end of the term. My Capstone group seems to be doing the same, our chats have been mostly quiet while we work on refining the technology research. Meeting with Mike Bailey definitely helped us a lot this week, we were able to clear up a lot about the project and what we need to account for. If anything, our technology review might be a little overkill, since it seems like outside of synchronization with the strain gauges, actually reading and displaying the data should be a relatively simple task code-wise, though I’m sure there will be growing pains with using the actual HoloLens tools once we begin coding. Regardless, I look forward to eventually getting to meet Dr. Higgins and discuss the project with him in person hopefully soon.

In my Computer Graphics class, I’m getting started on the Shaders project after finishing up Lighting. Lighting was quite the pain for me at first, so hopefully, Shaders don’t give me as much trouble. I look forward to getting to the animations part of class soon though, and I look forward to getting to try my hands at more complex movements rather than just making a CG Teapot spin in place. We are also starting thinking about Final Projects and making proposals. For mine I was thinking about making a reference to some kind of game, maybe the Chaos Emerald Shrine from Sonic, or perhaps a Mario Power Star, though I’m not quite sure what my final plan will be yet! Better decide fast!

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