Posted by Linsey Stripling, OSU Junior and Carer Services Career Assistant

Do you often wonder what you should do after you have an interview? Well, the answer is follow up with the employer, of course! The follow-up is just as important as the interview itself. At the end of the question and answer portion, as you are thanking the employer for meeting with you, ask for a business card. This gives you all of their contact information which you will need in order to write a follow up thank you letter. Here is a simple letter outline to help you show your gratitude.

Applicant’s Current Address
City, State, ZIP Code

Phone Number


Recipient’s Name
Street Address
City, State, ZIP Code

Dear Recipient’s Name:

1st Paragraph: Express appreciation for opportunity; mention location and date of interview or meeting; make a positive statement about your interest in the organization.

2nd Paragraph: Emphasize a specific point which will make you stand out in the employer’s memory; supply any additional information which was omitted from the interview.

3rd Paragraph: Close with additional appreciation; make a positive statement about your qualifications for the position.


(your name signed)

Type your name

Posted by:  Silvestre Trujillo, OSU Junior and Career Services Career Assistant

Interviews are one of those things that scare us the most when searching for a job. However, the interview is not the only thing you should be worried about. When going to an interview there is one little thing that you must take into account, and that would be the way you treat the receptionist.

Though we may not think that the receptionist has a lot of influence, they do. While checking in for an interview it is important to pay attention to the receptionist. It is important to approach the receptionist in a polite and friendly manner. In a way, a receptionist could be seen as part of the interview. They are the first person that is a part of the company or organization that you are interviewing with. A receptionist could have plenty of influence in the hiring process and could be the deciding factor in you being hired for your dream job. While the receptionist is the main focus in this blog entry, that does not mean that the interviewer and the receptionist are the only ones to whom you should show politeness. It is important to take into account that there may be other people from the company that you may encounter. Common courtesy is something to remember as soon as you walk out the door and on your way to an interview.

Posted by:  Tim Chen, OSU Student and Career Services Career Assistant

Now that you have finally attended the Spring Career Fair, it’s time for you to prepare for those interviews.  Engineering interviews are very similar to a standard interview with employers.  However, there are a couple of exceptions.  Here are a few tips that will help prepare you for an Engineering Interview:

*First, come into the interview with some kind of background knowledge of the company and/or organization.

*Second, unless otherwise noted, make an attempt to dress to impress.  Attempting to dress in professional attire will not only draw attention, but it will leave a lasting positive impression you.

*Third, if you’re applying for a position with desired engineering qualifications, expect for the employer to either question your skills or question your depth.

Here is a personal example:  When I applied for a high school contracting internship with Intel, my position required a live identification examination on the parts of a server board.

*Finally, follow the general steps for preparing for a typical job interview.  This includes knowing what to say and what not to say, addressing the difficult “weakness” interview question, and developing a portfolio to share with employers on the skills gained from your engineering degree.

As usual, Career Services does offer Mock Interview sessions.  If you’re interested, please stop by our office or call us at 541-737-4085 to schedule an appointment today.

If you cannot make it in to practice an interview, Beaver Job Net has a special link to an Oregon State University exclusive access to Interview Stream.  It also allows you to experience a “mock interview” and provides an option of receiving feedback from their service.  Interview Stream is special because you can customize your mock interview towards questions specifically related to your major and/or desired career field.

Posted by:  Rachel Erickson, OSU Senior and Career Services Career Assistant

The transition from college to a career allows us to expand.  Expand our skill sets, our knowledge, and for many of us, our closet.  The clothes many of us wear to classes do not fit the dress code at many of our future jobs.  When it comes time to interview for positions, or attend Career Fairs, it is important to make a good first impression.  Like it or not, much of the first impression comes from appearance.  Even if the position you are applying for is with an organization that dresses quite casually, it is necessary to dress up for your interview or networking opportunity if you want to make a good impression.  Investing in a conservative, solid colored suit is a wise decision.  Your appearance is more than just what you are wearing however.  Making sure your nails are trimmed and your hair is neatly groomed is also important.  For further information on appropriate interview attire for both men and women go to THIS WEBSITE.   You can also schedule a MOCK Interview with a counselor at Career Services and wear your interview attire to get a professional’s opinion.

Posted by: Rachel Erickson, OSU Senior and Career Services Career Assistant

Let’s face it, finding a job can be a full time job.  If you are anything like me, the process can seem overwhelming.  While the process will never be exactly the same for everyone, it is important to break down the steps you can take so your job search ends successfully.  One of the best things you can do is take a little time out every day to work on one job search task.  This will keep that overwhelming feeling from getting any worse.

Step One: Get to Know Yourself

Consider the experiences you have had that have been enjoyable for you.  Also, consider your preferences in terms of environment, location, and working as a team member or independently.  Group your 4 major strengths into categories you can specifically identify and give examples of.

Career Services offers the MBTI, Strong, and Discover career assessments that might help you identify some of the things you find most enjoyable.

Step Two: Know Where You Want to Work

Consider the classes you have enjoyed, the information you learned, and what industries they apply to.  Look at your past work history, internships, and volunteer experience—what did you enjoy doing most?  Research the possibilities that exist for recent college graduates in those industries.   Do an informational interview with someone in a career you think you would enjoy.  Ask the person specifics about their job, including what they like most and what they do not like.  Research different industries and companies you are interested in.

Step Three: Get Ready for the Search

Start preparing your resumes, personal statements, cover letters, portfolios and your 30 second informational speech.  I have found it most helpful to create one long resume, and then create a one page resume where I can copy and paste relevant information.  This way you can tailor the resume you send for each position.  Compile a list of networks you can use in your job search.  Make a professional voice message on your phone and make sure you have a professional email address.  Also, make sure you have appropriate attire for interviewing.

Step Four: Start Searching

Make a schedule of your search activities.  Search all resources available.  Consider making a list or excel sheet of positions you qualify for, when you sent your resume or application, and when you plan on following up with the employer.  Consider targeting specific employers and occupations you are interested in, even if they don’t have jobs posted online.  Personalized letters get more attention from employers and show your initiative.

Good luck on your job search and do not forget to use Career Services when you need help!

Interested in learning about more about a fabulous professional development opportunity?  Interested in finding a rewarding and challenging experience when you graduate from OSU?  Interested in giving back to students and the community?  Interested in learning all this from the comfort of your own home?  You’re in luck! 

Teach for America is hosting several online events this spring to learn more about different aspects of their program. These are very low-key, and there’s no commitment, but these are great opportunities to become more aware of a way to work towards ending educational inequity in our country. If you’re interested in any of the events below, simply click on the link to RSVP, and you’ll get information to call into a conference line number when the event goes “live.” Please feel free to contact  Matea Bozja ( with any questions.


» Introduction to Teach For America: Learn about our mission and approach to closing the achievement gap and hear a firsthand account of what it’s like to be a corps member. 8 pm EST



» Pre-Med Webinar Featuring Medical School Deans: Hear a med school dean talk about the value of the Teach For America experience and how it will help you in your medical career. 4 pm EST



» Teach For America’s Graduate School Partnerships: You don’t have to choose between Teach For America and grad school! Learn about our 200+ deferral partnerships and hear alumni testimonials. 9 pm EST