
Job Descriptions

When looking for a job, there are 2 things I look first: job requirements and description. I believe those are the 2 most important parts on a job search, after all neither if you meet the requirements or you simply don’t want/are not prepared to perform their tasks, that’s what allows individuals to make their choice. My last description was the precursor for me to accept the job, it matched with what I was capable of doing and with what I wanted to do. While working in the company, it made me feel much more confident knowing their expectations of my tasks.  The adequacy of the position to the occupant improves the interpersonal relationship at work and aims at new opportunities for changes for a better quality of life at work. Job descriptions may seem like mere formalities in a company, but make no mistake. The truth is that it is a fundamental tool for the human resources department and for the management of people as a whole. More than that, its definitions impact the company in general. There is no way for a business to leave the place without being very clear about what each competitor is responsible for achieving its goals. After all, it works like a big cog: if a single employee does not do his part, the result can be compromised. Carrying out the job description comprises a strategy to highlight both the desired profile for a given function and its assignments. This way, everything is more organized and transparent for those involved.

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