

1. What am I good at?

“Study ability”: this word defines my determination to learn, study, research, look for alternatives and solutions to problems and challenges.

Proactivity: one of the meanings of the prefix “pro” means anticipation. As a proactive person I am always anticipating events, making plans for how to act in the future based on a rational analysis of the present.

Resilience: my ability to overcome obstacles or withstand the pressure of adverse situations without falling into despair.

Professionalism: my determination to do the job correctly and well planned.

Punctuality: this characteristic is a sign of respect, commitment to others and is increasingly valued.

Empathy: my ability to put myself in people’s shoes, to understand how they make their decisions.

Altruism: it is the attitude of giving up personal interests for the benefit of another person or the collective interest.

2. What do I value?

Willingness: the ability to be always alert, willing and available for the most different tasks, without anyone being in charge.

Courage: ability to face challenges with confidence and fearlessness or to expose yourself in crisis or difficulty situations with confidence and firmness, even taking risks that most would not take.

Temperance: it means balancing myself, putting oneself under limits and trying to ensure the control of the will over instincts.

As we know we usually value some of what we are good at, in my case I chose 3 of all things that I am good at that I also value: punctuality, empathy and altruism.

3. How did I get here?

I believe my entire life I have been always been a hardworking and proactive person. I have always fought for what I want and never let anybody tell me I can’t or won’t get there, I think I am the only person who can say that to myself. I have always been taught to think ahead and plan my future specially, financially speaking. My father always told me we need to plan our future to have a more relaxed elderly age and not depend on family or friends for any help or assistance. so I always have the idea of being totally independent in my life and I believe this represented a large portion of my hard work.

4. Where am I going?

Achieving financial independence is a big dream that, to many people, seems distant and difficult to achieve. But with good planning it is possible to get there. Just like most people, my I want to achieve my financial independence and for that I have a few things in mind:

Plan my budget

Put on paper everything I earn and spend in a month, semester or year. This is essential in organizing and planning for the future, as well as being the most effective way to control finances. I should also consider eventual expenses, which weigh in the budget. Therefore, it is necessary to have control over consumerist impulses.

Set goals

Dreaming is the fuel that drives you forward. When you have a dream as a goal, immediate consumption no longer causes the same satisfaction, as there is a greater goal for money. When someone has no dreams, there is no need to save and it is easier to have a financial imbalance and suffer that feeling of frustration.

Work with pleasure

Doing what you like and working with something that gives you pleasure and satisfaction usually ends up generating a bigger and more positive result. This creates a stimulus and, therefore, it is more pleasant to get the money you need to become independent.

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