
IPIP Results & Reactions

My score on Extraversion is average: 64, indicating I am neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. I enjoy time with others but also time alone. I have many friends and love them and always enjoy the time with them, but I also need time for myself, I deeply enjoy my own company. I have high level of friendliness and cheerfulness; average levels of gregariousness, assertiveness, and activity; and a low level of excitement-seeking.

My score on Agreeableness is 97, it indicates a strong interest in others’ needs and well-being. I am pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative. I have always put others first, which might not always be the best, but I really put myself in others shoes because we cannot simply judge someone if we don’t know their reasons for doing what they do. I have a high level morality, altruism, modesty and tender-mindedness and an average level of trust.

My score on conscientiousness is 97. This means I set clear goals and pursue them with determination. People regard me as reliable and hard-working. I have high levels of orderliness, dutifulness, achievement striving, self-discipline, and cautiousness.

My score on Neuroticism is 8, indicating that I are exceptionally calm, composed and unflappable. I do not react with intense emotions, even to situations that most people would describe as stressful. I have low levels of anxiety, anger, depression, self-consciousness, immoderation, and vulnerability.

My score on Openness to Experience is 12, indicating I like to think in plain and simple terms. Others describe me as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative. I have low levels of imagination, artistic interests, and intellect. And I have average levels of emotionality, adventurousness, and liberalism.

I believe three of my biggest strengths  are:

  • Positive attitude: I am always deeply focused and show interest on the projects in which I participate. A negative attitude will only demotivate me and my team.
  • Empathy, my ability to show closeness and understanding to other co-workers helps to create a favorable working environment.
  • Proactivity: One of the biggest clichés at the moment of professional CVs, but one of the characteristics most appreciated by companies, is proactivity. And it is not for less: people who do not remain stagnant, who transform difficulties into changes and not complaints, who do not need to follow orders all the time and who are able to use their intelligence to improve the world in which they live are transformed in high-performance professionals, who drive the results of an organization.

I believe one of by big weakness when thinking work-wise is regards to the scores on openness to experience. For example, creativity. The most successful companies have thrived due to innovation and consistent improvement in current internal processes. They are constantly looking for those who are not only able to work autonomously, but who are also able to formulate new ways to carry out old tasks and processes. The advancement of the internet, the growth of marketing strategies and the narrowing of forms of communication between people are demanding the search for creative professionals, who bring different ideas to attract audiences and stand out in the market. Faced with this scenario, companies are thirsty for revolutionary minds, which strengthen their technical training with personal skills to present improvements and innovative strategies. A creative mind, capable of creating products and services that consumers do not even know they need, is what stands out in the current market. Since I am more to the “conservative” side and like things on the plain term as the test showed, I believe this is my biggest downside for an employer.

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