
Typical vs. Maximal Performance

I would choose Jaime, why? Let me tell you a story I heard a lot when I was a kid.

One day, a Hare ridiculed the turtle’s short legs and slowness. The turtle smiled and said: “Do you think you are quick as the wind but I believe that I would win her in a race”. The hare of course, considered that hint as impossible to happen, and accepted the challenge on the spot. They then invited a fox to serve as a judge, choose the route and the point of arrival. And on the chosen day, from the starting point, they left together. The turtle, with its slow but firm step, determined, concentrated, never stopped walking towards its goal. But the hare, confident of its speed, unconcerned with the race, lay down by the side of the road for a quick nap. Upon awakening, although he ran as fast as his legs allowed, he was unable to reach the turtle, which had already crossed the finish line, and now rested quietly in a corner. This is, without a doubt, the best analogy to explain why DIRECTION is much more important than speed. Not even the greatest skill, the most extensive experience or high intelligence surpass CONSISTENCY in life choices. Rather than ‘having potential’ choose to ‘have consistent direction’.

I believe an employee performing at high potential but poor consistency should be for an area more laid back if I can call it that. An area like marketing and market research, since those are fields don’t require a daily consistency in one’s productivity.

In other hands, an employee performing at low potential but high consistency would best fit at an accounting office for example, where it requires as consistency in productivity.

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