Oregon State University
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Breakthroughs in Science

Linus Pauling Science Center Launch Event

September 15th, 2011

The Grand Opening of the Linus Pauling Science Center will be held on October 14th.


Planned Activities

1:00 – 6:00 p.m. Open House
Self-guided tours; be sure to stop by Ava’s Café located inside the building and sample healthy food selections.

3:00 p.m. Dedication Ceremony
The ceremony will include keynote speaker Linus Pauling Jr. and brief remarks by Edward J. Ray, President, Oregon State University; Sherman Bloomer, Dean of the College of Science; Balz Frei, Director of the Linus Pauling Institute; and Patricia J. Reser ’60, OSU Foundation Trustee and Co-Chair of The Campaign for OSU.



Health and Science Research at OSU and Beyond
Learn about the cutting-edge research taking place in this state-of-the-art facility. Guests can take part in faculty lectures, research presentations and interactive sessions on current research initiatives underway in the center.

4:00 p.m. Maret Traber, LPI Endowed Professor for Micronutrient Research; Director, Oxidative/Nitrative Stress Core Laboratory
Dr. Traber is one of the world’s leading experts on Vitamin E and its value in helping to prevent serious chronic diseases.

4:40 p.m. Roderick Dashwood, LPI Endowed Professor for Cancer Chemoprotection Research; Director, Cancer Chemoprotection Program.
Dr. Dashwood’s work on genetic and epigenetic aspects of cancer development and the protective role of dietary factors is recognized internationally.

5:20 p.m. Doug Keszler, Director, Center for Green Materials Chemistry
Distinguished Professor Doug Keszler leads a lab that has developed new materials with novel electrical and optical properties that have created breakthroughs in transparent electrical circuits, thin panel displays, and high efficiency lighting.

6:00 p.m. Artist Reception
Join artists William Shumway, Chris Dean and Stephen Knapp, whose work is displayed throughout the building.


Click here for more information.

Possible biological control discovered for pathogen devastating amphibians

August 25th, 2011

David Stauth, Oregon State University News and Communication

The study this story is based on is available online: http://bit.ly/oC488C

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Zoologists at Oregon State University have discovered that a freshwater species of zooplankton will eat a fungal pathogen which is devastating amphibian populations around the world.

This tiny zooplankton, called Daphnia magna, could provide a desperately needed tool for biological control of this deadly fungus, the scientists said, if field studies confirm its efficacy in a natural setting.

The fungus, B. dendrobatidis, is referred to as a “chytrid” fungus, and when it reaches high levels can disrupt electrolyte balance and lead to death from cardiac arrest in its amphibian hosts. One researcher has called its impact on amphibians “the most spectacular loss of vertebrate biodiversity due to disease in recorded history.”

The research, reported today in the journal Biodiversity and Conservation, was supported by the National Science Foundation.

Read More

Lasting evolutionary change takes about one million years

August 22nd, 2011

Oregon State University News and Communications

CORVALLIS, Ore. – In research that will help address a long-running debate and apparent contradiction between short- and long-term evolutionary change, scientists have discovered that although evolution is a constant and sometimes rapid process, the changes that hit and stick tend to take a long time.

Give or take a little, one million years seems to be the magic number.

A new study, published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, combined for the first time data from short periods such as 10-100 years with much longer evidence found in the fossil record over millions of years.

It determined that rapid changes in local populations often don’t continue, stand the test of time or spread through a species.

In other words, just because humans are two or three inches taller now than they were 200 years ago, it doesn’t mean that process will continue and we’ll be two or three feet taller in 2,000 years. Or even as tall in one million years as we are now.

Read more.

Parasite loads a cause of salmon mortality, linked to land use changes

August 15th, 2011

David Strauth, Oregon State University News and Communication

The study this story is based on is available online: http://hdl.handle.net/1957/22084

CORVALLIS, Ore. – A recent study suggests that parasites in fish, including threatened species of Oregon coho salmon, may have more profound impacts on fish health than has been assumed, and could be one of the key mechanisms by which habitat and land use changes cause salmon mortality.

It’s not just the presence or absence of parasites that is important, the research found, but their numbers that can build up over years or decades and ultimately cause major impacts.

The study will be published soon in the journals Aquaculture, Journal of Parasitology, and International Journal of Parasitology. It was done by researchers from Oregon State University and other agencies, and concluded that heavy loads of parasites can affect salmon growth, weight, size, immune function, saltwater adaptation, swimming stamina, activity level, ability to migrate and other issues. Parasites drain energy from the fish as they grow and develop.

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OSU pigment discovery expanding to new colors – including orange

July 27th, 2011

OSU pigment discovery expanding to new colors – including orange
David Stauth, Oregon State University News and Communication

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Chemists at Oregon State University have discovered that the same crystal structure they identified two years ago to create what may be the world’s best blue pigment can also be used with different elements to create other colors, with significant potential in the paint and pigment industries.

First on the list, appropriately, is a brilliant orange pigment – appropriate for the OSU Beavers whose team colors are black and orange, and a university in a “Powered by Orange” advancement campaign.

But the broader potential for these pigments, researchers say, is the ability to tweak essentially the same chemical structure in slightly different ways to create a whole range of new colors in pigments that may be safer to produce, more durable and more environmentally benign than many of those that now exist.

Among the possibilities, they say, are colors that should be of interest to OSU’s athletic rival 40 miles down the road at the University of Oregon – yellow and green.

Read more

2011 Merrill Family Foundation Scholarship Recipients

July 1st, 2011

Below, please find a listing of the 2011 recipients of the Merrill Family Foundation Scholarships:


Arvidson, Rheannon
Banta, Katelyn
Benson, Tor P
Brown, Sarah Nicolette
Brydone-Jack, Michael James
Clarke, Rose Madeline
Conard, Alex
Corkery, Andrew
Cruft, Alexander Benjamin
Derlacki, Taylor Bratton
Ellis, Courtney Lynn
Ferguson, Heather
Finn, Elliott Chad
Flesher, Jessica Leigh
Fraser, Shannon J.
Gonzalez Pena, Yuritzy A
Haslam, Benjamin Wade
Hooper, Jared M
Jorgensen, Steven Lloyd
Klein, Victoria G
Knight, Briana Jane
Liu, Qiuying
Massey, Martie Bertsch
Newberry, Sarah Jean
Neyman, Lisa Camille
Palioca, Callia Kumiko
Phan, Brian Gia-Son
Pickering, Emily Ann
Reiter, Daniel Joseph
Sahlberg, Claire Elizabeth
Shen, Connie Guo
Thompson, Taylor Jeanne
Van DenBurg, Chelsea Benson 



Bringing research together

June 17th, 2011

Bringing research together.
Mike McInally, Corvallis Gazette-Times

New Linus Pauling Science Center will unite work in one facility

Sometime later this year, the director of the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University will cross over a threshold he’s been working toward for nearly 15 years.

It’s a literal threshold: One day soon, Balz Frei will walk into the Linus Pauling Science Center, the new home for the institute, and “we will have for the first time everybody in the institute under a single roof.”

Read the full article here.

Holding Out Hope

May 28th, 2011

Holding Out Hope: A tenacious scientist’s quest for the causes of Lou Gehrig’s disease

David Stauth
terra Magazine

Doctors do not know for sure what causes ALS. They don’t know how to slow its progression. They certainly don’t know how to cure it. Researchers debate among themselves and trade theories in science literature. Dedicated doctors, nurses, therapists, aides and especially family members work to reduce suffering and treat symptoms, but the disease is debilitating, progressive and terminal.

In the middle of this quandary is Joe Beckman, an Oregon State University professor of biochemistry, holder of the Ava Helen Pauling Chair in the Linus Pauling Institute and director of the widely recognized OSU Environmental Health Sciences Center.

Scholarship Awards Ceremony and Dessert

May 27th, 2011

On May 26th, 2011 Scholarship Recipients in the College of Science were celebrated at the Annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony and Dessert event held at the CH2M Hill Alumni Center.

The following students were recognized:


Biochemistry and Biophysics

Biel, Justin: Donald L. MacDonald Scholarship

Brar, Anantnoor: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Crotty, Kelly: Powis Lee and Winifred Carloss Heitmeyer Scholarship

Drewry, Kelsey: George and Marthel Porter Pre-Medical Scholarship

Ebert, Sidney: Kenneth R. Johnson Pre-Dental Society Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Ennamuri, Deepthika: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Fang, Boya: George and Marthel Porter Pre-Medical Scholarship

Faulkner, Jaime: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Franco, Derek: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Gallion, Jonathan:  Science Scholars Fund

Hobbs, Helen: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Ireton, Kyle: James A. Riley, M.D. Health Occupation Scholarship, Milton Harris Scholarship in the College of Science

Klein, Samantha: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Nguyen, Maria:  Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Nowlin, Taylor:   Augustin and Rita Gombart Medical Scholarship

Parker, Chelsea:  Woodstock Scholarship

Peters, Alec: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Pham, Phuong: Powis Lee and Winifred Carloss Heitmeyer Scholarship

Pham, Tuan:  Science Scholars Fund,Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Pihl, Nicholas: Science Scholars Fund

Pitts, Thomas: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Power, Michael: Science Scholars Fund

Raines, Joshua:  Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Soto, Tiffany: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Tolmach, Oresta:  George and Marthel Porter Pre-Medical Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Turina, Claire: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship



Alldredge, Evan: Bev and Dick Chadburn Scholarship

Anderson, Emily: Science Scholars Fund

Beem, Kristin: Science Scholars Fund

Bell, Kayla: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Benson, Tor : Science Scholars Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Birkett, Christina: Jesse Hanson Scholarship

Britsch, Kimberly: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Brown, Sarah: Bev and Dick Chadburn Scholarship

Brydone-Jack, Michael: Fred and Mary Brauti Pre-Medical Scholarship, Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund. Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Conard, Alex: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Cruft, Alexander: George and Marthel Porter Pre-Medical Scholarship

Derlacki, Taylor: Science Scholars Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Dow, Ellen: Science Scholars Fund

Fedler, Susan: Science Scholars Fund

Finn, Elliott: Science Scholars Fund, Udall Scholarship

Flesher, Jessica: Science Scholars Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

French, Kellie: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Guerre, Megan: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Hoang, Bich: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Hyman, Kalilah: Science Scholars Fund

Knight, Briana: George and Marthel Porter Pre-Medical Scholarship

Liu, Qiuying: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Ly, Myvan: Powis Lee and Winifred Carloss Heitmeyer Scholarship

Markel, Amy: NOAA Hollings Scholarship

Massey, Martie: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Meltvedt, Ariana: Science Scholars Fund, Cyril R. Herrick Scholarship in Marine Biology, Elizabeth Reeves Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Newberry, Sarah: Haberman Pre-Medical Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Neyman, Lisa: Science Scholars Fund

Palioca, Callia: Clara and Fred Horne Scholarship for Women in Science, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Phan, BrianL: George and Marthel Porter Pre-Medical Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Pickering, Emily: Jesse Hanson Scholarship, NOAA Hollings Scholarship

Ping, Sita: Powis Lee and Winifred Carloss Heitmeyer Scholarship

Reiter, Daniel: Science Scholars Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Sahlberg, Claire: Amy Chadburn Pre-Medical Scholarship

Shen, Connie: Fred and Mary Brauti Pre-Medical Scholarship, Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Stringer, Allison: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Thompson, Taylor: Powis Lee and Winifred Carloss Heitmeyer Scholarship

Zhen, Jun: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund



Bartlett, Samuel: Linda M. Oleson Scholarship

Cowley, Elise: Linda M. Oleson Scholarship

Curry, Jon: Peter C. Culter Memorial Scholarship

Duong, Mai: ACS-Hach Undergraduate Chemistry Teacher Scholarship, Sally Runes Hicks Scholarship

Edwards, Christopher: Peter C. Culter Memorial Scholarship

Johnston, Brittany: Carroll DeKock Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Mortensen, Josh Anne Runes Wilson Scholarship

Olson Dougan, Jackson  Colleen Spurgeon Scholarship, George and Marthel Porter Pre-Medical Scholarship

Paulson, Shelby: Milton Harris Chemistry Scholarship

Rau, Derek: ACS-Hach Undergraduate Chemistry Teacher Scholarship

Reeves, Taylor: Carroll DeKock Scholarship

Stolt, Matthew: Peter C. Culter Memorial Scholarship

Tanabe, Courtney: Peter C. Culter Memorial Scholarship

Wagner, Lindsay: Peter C. Culter Memorial Scholarship

Wright, Corey: ACS-Hach Undergraduate Chemistry Teacher Scholarship


Environmental Sciences

Bucht, Karin: Clara and Fred Horne Scholarship for Women in Science

Curcio, Nicholas: Monsanto Agriculture Technology Scholarship

Goodrich, Danielle: Science Scholars Fund

Guildner, Bridget: Powis Lee and Winifred Carloss Heitmeyer Scholarship

Lorang, Stefanie: Environmental Sciences Scholarship

Matamala-Ost, Camila:   Science Scholars Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Richardson, Kristin: Environmental Sciences Scholarship

Sloan, Melissa: Science Scholars Fund

Sullivan, Bryan: Jesse Hanson Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Weiner, David: Environmental Sciences Scholarship


General Science


Brekke, Tylor: Science Scholars Fund

Hildebran, Anna: ODS Companies Scholarship

Maleki, Seena: ODS Companies Scholarship

Martin, Matthew: Mike O’Brien Memorial Scholarship

Oeth, Allison: ODS Companies Scholarship

Phillips, Bridget: Ryan Sparks Pre-Dental Scholarship

Sahebi, Mishaun: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Schaefer, Gabrielle: Kenneth R. Johnson Pre-Dental Society Scholarship

Traynor, Kaitlyn: ODS Companies Scholarship


Reinhard, Katie: Science Scholars Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship


Burg, Natalie: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Rudat, Courtney: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship


Lowe, Lianna: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Pre-physical therapy

Long, Stephanie: Science Scholars Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Pre-physician assistant

Manhart, Racheal: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Schaefer, Jared: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund


Boyd, Alexander: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Crawford, McKensie: “Doc” Gilfillan Scholarship, G.V. Copson Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Glaus, Matthew: Powis Lee and Winifred Carloss Heitmeyer Scholarship

Jivagunchainan, Satta: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Louis-Soares, Brittney: Science Scholars Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Matsui, Lahela: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Nguyen, Linda: Andy Aitkenhead Schola, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Tobias, Amanda: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Tran, Victor: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Vu, Kha: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund



Adrian, Jarrett: Jess Johnson Undergraduate Writing

Armentrout, Cynthia: Christian John Hunt Memorial Scholarship

Burleigh, Andrew: Award for Excellence in Geology

Christensen, Celene: Award for Excellence in Geology

Danielson, Natalie: Christian John Hunt Memorial Scholarship

Elder, Elizabeth: Jess Johnson Undergraduate Writing

Gonzalez Pena, Yuritzy:  Christian John Hunt Memorial Scholarship, Powis Lee and Winifred Carloss Heitmeyer Scholarship

Keeley, Jeff : Jess Johnson Undergraduate Writing

Krawl, Kyle: Samuel M. Evans, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Poblacion, Olivia: Excellence Award in Earth Science

Sanfilippo, Jon: Award for Outstanding Service to the Department

Simon, Jill: Parenzin Undergraduate Scholarship

Tucker, Kera: Amanda Prewitt Memorial Scholarship

Urban, Leslie: Christian John Hunt Memorial Scholarship, Chris and Marguerite Hunt Memorial Undergraduate Research Scholarship

Wilcox, April: Earl L. Packard Achievement Award



Armstrong, Jessica: Paul Copson Memorial Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Bartosz, Kristen: Paul Copson Memorial Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Bowers, Sara: Paul Copson Memorial Scholarship

DeLong, Alexis:  Paul Copson Memorial Scholarship

Emerson, Tegan: WIC Culture of Writing in Mathematics

Hisertoe, Martin: Botand Gabor Eross Math Memorial Scholarship

Hortsch, Erik: Botand Gabor Eross Math Memorial Scholarship

Johnson, William: Actuarial Science Award

Leung, Margaret-Rose:   The Dean’s Scholarship in the College of Science, Harry and Molly Goheen Memorial Scholarship, WIC Culture of Writing in Mathematics

Meehan, David: Science Scholars Fund

Mock, Aaron: Science Scholars Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Nabelek, Patrik: Joel Davis Award


Medical School

Iwanaga, Yuko:  Ralph H. Bosworth Memorial Scholarship

Pham, John:  Ralph H. Bosworth Memorial Scholarship

Plasto, Dinko: Alumni Physician Scholarship in Medicine

Prince, Morgan: Alumni Physician Scholarship in Medicine

Schuberg, Sam:  Ralph H. Bosworth Memorial Scholarship

Stueve, Pete: Ralph H. Bosworth Memorial Scholarship



Cheam, Daravuth: Middlekauf Scholarship

Dispenza, Alexis: Joseph E. Simmons Scholarship, Donald and Barbara Overholser Scholarship

Fassio, Sara: Helen Hays Women in Microbiology Scholarship

Gallion, Jonathan: Science Scholars Fund

Goff, Shannon:  Middlekauf Scholarship

Haglund, Jessica: Helen Hays Women in Microbiology Scholarship

Kuenzi, Janeen: Middlekauf Scholarship

Miller, Rachel: Helen Hays Women in Microbiology Scholarship, Eleanor G. Ford Memorial Scholarship

Mullen, Valerie: Kathryn Tinnesand Memorial Scholarship, T.R. and Martha S. Aspitarte Scholarship

Nelson, Rue: Middlekauf Scholarship

Nguyen, Christine: Middlekauf Scholarship

Park, Bo: Ray, Frances, and Dale Cripps Student Support Fund

Sarker, Minhazur: Middlekauf Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Shepardson, Jonathan: Middlekauf Scholarship

Splichal, Dacotah: Middlekauf Scholarship

Ta, Charlie: Middlekauf Scholarship

Tennigkeit, Brina: Middlekauf Scholarship

Tischler, Ryan    Joseph E. Simmons Scholarship, Eleanor G. Ford Memorial Scholarship

Trieu, Tracy: Middlekauf Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Wick, Elyse: Middlekauf Scholarship



Abelson, Alex: Physics Scholarship

Atkins, Maxwell: Physics Scholarship

Haglund, Christopher: David B. Nicodemus Memorial Scholarship in Physics, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Matthews, Bethany:  Kenneth S. Krane Scholarship in Physics

Meados, Cord: Physics Scholarship

Monroe, Jeff: David B. Nicodemus Memorial Scholarship in Physics

Pershing, Teal: David B. Nicodemus Memorial Scholarship in Physics, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Settelmeyer, Samuel: David B. Nicodemus Memorial Scholarship in Physics, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Snyder, Rodney: David B. Nicodemus Memorial Scholarship in Physics

Svesko, Andy: Physics Scholarship



Baggett, Christina: John and Diane Howeison Scholarship in Zoology, Jesse Hanson Scholarship

Cochrun, Ariel: Jesse Hanson Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Fowler, Karen: Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Hemstrom, William: John and Diane Howeison Scholarship in Zoology, Science Scholars Fund

Ortiz, Alexa: Science Scholars Fund, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship, Dora Krueger Memorial Scholarship

Perenboom, Susanna: Jesse Hanson Scholarship

Perez Hammerle, Katharina: Science Scholars Fund

Rambo, Nicole: Powis Lee and Winifred Carloss Heitmeyer Scholarship, Andy Aitkenhead Scholarship

Saunders, Stephanie: Science Scholars Fund



Lionfish Outcompete the Natives on Coral Reefs

May 1st, 2011

To get more information about the F.A.  Gilfillan Memorial Award Lecturer Mark Hixon and his research on Lionfish, please read Nick Houtman’s story Lionfish Outcompete the Natives on Coral Reefs in terra magazine.