Oregon State University
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Breakthroughs in Science

College of Science Fellows Fund

March 12th, 2009



A High-Value Investment in Sciencetech-need2-copy

By establishing a privately-funded fellowship, donors will:

  • Connect with a specific graduate student, invest in a particular research area of interest, or give back to a specific department. It’s an efficient and rewarding way to direct philanthropy at OSU.
  • Provide students with the incredible opportunity to earn an OSU graduate degree in science. The time commitment involved in graduate study precludes outside work, so for most students, a funding offer is critical to making graduate-level study possible.
  • Help recruit the best and brightest graduate students who go on to become leaders in their field. A fellowship allows the College to compete for talented candidates and select the person best suited for each program.
  • Support faculty through the addition of a top graduate student to a research program, adding value to field and lab work, data analysis, and publications.
  • Benefit undergraduate students who work side-by-side in the lab with graduate students, as well as being taught by them in the classroom.
  • Leverage additional funding from the university — fellowships that are privately funded are matched by the Graduate School in the form of tuition remission. Neither the student nor the department will pay a tuition — a tremendous benefit to the College, the department, and the student.

Making a gift:

  • A graduate fellowship funded with a gift of $30,000 a year is considered the gold standard nationally and in the College of Science. A gift at that level ensures that tuition will be waived through the matching program in the OSU Graduate School.biotech-2
  • An annual gift of $5,000 or more for six years can provide “start-up” fellowships. This amount can be used to employ a graduate student the summer before he or she officially enrolls at OSU. The student gets a jump-start on research and faculty benefit from having a talented graduate student available during a very productive time for research and field work.
  • Funding a fellowship can provide a donor with an opportunity to connect with a specific graduate student, invest in a particular research area of interest, or give back to a specific department.

For more information, please contact:

Anne Murphy
Director of Development
College of Science
OSU Foundation
850 SW 35th Street
Corvallis, OR 97333
541-737-3603 office
541-737-9689 fax
541-760-7196 cell