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Breakthroughs in Science

Lubchenco’s Goals on Ocean and Climate

March 20th, 2009

Now that Dr. Lubchenco has been confirmed as NOAA Administrator, she is able to speak more with the press about her goals. Here’s an article from the NY Times Dot Earth blog with a few questions and answers:

Q. What’s high on your to-do list?

First and foremost is establishing a real juggernaut of a team to be the senior leadership within N.O.A.A. that will work closely with all of the 13,000 individuals that do much of the real work.

Also, working closely with John Holdren [Dr. Holdren is the new science adviser] on interagency policies to insure that we’re taking advantage of the best possible science and ensuring that this is a welcoming place for scientists.

Read the entire article here.

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