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- Shout outs
- Today! OSU Extension Master Gardeners Statewide Trivia Tournament! Win valuable prizes and earn a continuing ed hour!
- 1/24 & 1/26 – Learn About the Oregon Season Tracker Program! Are you interested in how the seasons change throughout Oregon? The OSU Extension Oregon Season Tracker program engages volunteer observers across the state who report their local precipitation patterns and plant phenology by monitoring rain gauges and observing native plants in their backyards, farms, woodlands, and schools. Join us to learn more about the Oregon Season Tracker community science program – including how the data contributions help climate science researchers in Oregon and beyond and how you can volunteer! Webinars will be hosted on January 24, 2-3 pm, and January 26, 6-7 pm. Learn more and register at: A recording will be sent out to those who register but are unable to attend, for any questions please contact Sarah at Report service as Citizen Science: indirect.
- Insights into Gardening is sold out! Wow! For folks who are sad that they missed this, invite them to check out our many other great events.
- Extension News
- These 8 winter-blooming plants give bees needed nourishment.
- Coffee chats are back for 2023! If you are a board member, committee chair, or engaged volunteer, this is a chance to visit informally with program staff (Elza). Learn more and sign up HERE.
- NEW! EM 9380 Oregon Ash: Insects, Pathogens and Tree Health Published January 2023.
- Popular this week: EM 9277 Trees and Shrubs for Fall and Winter Bloom
- Dirt! The Movie: Gail’s Answers to Questions for Reflection. Oregon State University (OSU) kicked off their 41st annual Martin Luther King, Jr. commemoration event. For the fourth consecutive year, the OSU Extension Master Gardener program hosted a commemoration event. In advance of the movie, we shared three questions that we asked attendees to reflect upon during the movie. In an effort to spur discussion, I wanted to share my answers to these three questions. I invite you to share your answers, in the comments section. Read the blog.
- BCMGA News
- Oregon Association of Nonprofits Member Day Conference. Join us virtually on January 26, 2023, for a conference brought to you by NAO and the Masters of Nonprofit Leadership program at Pacific University. BCMGA members can attend at no cost. To register first set up a user account and reference BCMGA. Then register for the conference. Sessions about equity and inclusion can count towards program expectations for CE in this area. Please share one takeaway for your local programs when entering in the volunteer reporting system. If you need help please contact Jana Tindall.
- OSU Extension Needs Assessment Committee and OMGA Advocacy Committee: BCMGA member Judith Kenner is serving on these two committees. The Needs Assessment group will be sending out a questionnaire to all Master Gardeners. Please take the time to do it. It will provide vital information to inform the OSU Extension administration about Master Gardener program needs. OMGA Advocacy group is launching a campaign to push for more state funding for Extension programs. They are asking MGs to contact their legislators to ask that Extension funding be increased. See the 6-month action plan and time line in the link. It is not too soon to start now. This is extremely important to the future vitality of Master Gardeners and Extension as a whole. View the presentation here.
- Volunteer opportunities
- Grow a LatinX Garden!
- For the past three years, a group of Master Gardeners has maintained an educational demo garden at Calvin Community Garden next to Calvin Presbyterian Church. The crops in this garden are carefully selected to be culturally appropriate for LatinX communities, crops with which many of us were unfamiliar, like chilacayote and epazote, as well as tomatoes, peppers, and tomatillos. Produce donations to Food Banks have averaged 500 pounds per year.
- BCMGA paid for the construction of six raised beds at the garden. We use those beds as well as one large in-ground garden plot to raise the vegetables. With the departure of some of the Master Gardeners who helped with the Calvin garden, we are in search of Master Gardeners or Master Gardener Trainees who could help us to maintain those gardens by planting, weeding, watering and/or harvesting.
- If you have a couple of hours a week to donate to this effort, we would LOVE to talk more with you. If you happen speak Spanish, even better, although that’s not a requirement. We share the work with a flexible schedule to accommodate times that are convenient for you including weekends. We need to know by the end of February or early March that we have a minimal crew to support this garden or we will have to discontinue our efforts.
- We have offered educational workshops in Spanish as well. It’s a great opportunity to connect with the broader community, use your Spanish language skills and have a lot of fun. We would like to continue the tradition. This is another opportunity that is a more concentrated effort. Spanish is not required for support roles.
- If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ellen Tappon,, or Lynn Trimpe,
- Demo Garden 2023 is starting up! On Tuesday, January 24, 12-3, we are planning projects, selecting vegetables and discussing new growing ideas. The planning meeting is at the Extension office in the conference room. Potluck first, discussion second. If you’re interested in volunteering at the Demo Garden, at the Benton County Fairgrounds come and help us figure out what we’re going to do. We love to have new members and if you have ideas for projects, even better.
- Questions? Call or text Rosalind at 541-908-3991 or Dan at 805-490-1014.
- NEW! The Plant Sale Propagation team will be seeding many new fun and interesting perennials at the Philomath High School Greenhouse, 2054 Applegate St Saturday, January 28 -10am-12pm (We’re trying another weekend date for MGs that work or can’t attend during the week.) All MGs are welcome to come help! Please reach out to Leslie,, if you have any questions or need help finding the greenhouse.
- Grow a LatinX Garden!
- Plant Problem Scenarios 2023 – Calling all returning Master Gardeners! Join the fun! Meet and get to know the 2023 Master Gardeners Trainees and help prepare them for the help desk and clinic tables. Are you a recent graduate? Participating as a facilitator in Plant Problem Scenarios will be an excellent way to get acquainted with experienced facilitators. And our introduction/refresher sessions for facilitating the scenarios will not only sharpen up your skills but also be a fantastic time for new and experienced MGs to socialize.
- For the 2023 trainees, we will be conducting four scenario sessions in February (Feb 2, 9, 16, 23) from (10:30 to 11:45 ) in the Benton County Extension Sunset room. Each session will end with a presentation by 2-3 committee chairs and a brown bag meet and greet. The facilitators will work in teams of 2. Don’t worry if you are new to PPS, we will pair you up with someone who is experienced. Note: You do not have to attend all four sessions! (Although we would love it if you did!) Learn more and sign up HERE.Contact Deb Kern ( or Ann Brodie ( for more details.
- The Public Seed Library is a new collaborative project of the Benton County Master Gardeners and the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition, with the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library serving as the host partner. The free, volunteer-run Public Seed Library is expected to open at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library downtown by March ’23. Learn more and donate seeds. New volunteer opportunities coming soon!
- Volunteer for Insights into Gardening: Saturday, February 11, 2023. Insights into Gardening is coming and we need your skills, and you need volunteer hours for 2023! Registration opens on January 2nd for the classes. As you are thinking about the classes you want to take at Insights, you can also sign up for a needed task. Many of the tasks allow you to attend classes but you must register in advance. Any questions about volunteering for a specific task, contact Susan Hoffman,
- SIGN UP HERE. Note there are two tabs with different jobs on each.
- Help kids learn cultural connection and conservation at dual immersion schools in Corvallis! The Willamette-Laja Twinning Partnership needs Master Gardener expertise for planning bird/pollinator and food gardens, and leading school volunteers and students in successfully installing the gardens. To learn more please contact Elza.
- Community science – Contribute data to research on gardens, plants, and wildlife. Explore and sign up. Many projects are remote and on your own schedule. Report the time as “citizen science: indirect”.
- Plant Problem Scenarios 2023 – Calling all returning Master Gardeners! Join the fun! Meet and get to know the 2023 Master Gardeners Trainees and help prepare them for the help desk and clinic tables. Are you a recent graduate? Participating as a facilitator in Plant Problem Scenarios will be an excellent way to get acquainted with experienced facilitators. And our introduction/refresher sessions for facilitating the scenarios will not only sharpen up your skills but also be a fantastic time for new and experienced MGs to socialize.
- Continuing Education
- OSU Extension Master Gardeners Statewide Trivia Tournament! Each session is good for one Continuing Education Credit in the Master Gardener program. Win valuable prizes – garden mail-order gift certificates up to $100!
- Free Wildlife & Water Friendly Garden Series The Environmental Learning Center (Clackamas Community College)
Who: Anyone interested in home gardening for wildlife and water quality
When: Thursdays, January 26-March 9
Time: Noon – 1 p.m.
Where: Zoom (virtual)
Cost: FREE
RSVP and Session Descriptions: Event Details- Growing Oregon Gardeners – Level Up 2022: watch movies HERE.
- Save the date – 9th Annual BEEvent Pollinator Conference- March 4, 2023, Linn Expo Center, Albany, Oregon. “Adapting Your Garden to the Coming Changes”. This in-person conference is back after a 2 year on-line only presence. Focus on Home Gardens and Small Farms. 9:00am – 3:30pm Registration will open in February:
- Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
- Soil Amendment Sale: Order soil amendments and feed the microbes, fungi, and other members of the soil micro-herd, who will in turn help feed your plants and give you a bountiful harvest! We also offer a wide selection of propagation supplies, organic pest controls, cover crop seeds, and poultry/livestock supplies. Order with us to get bulk pricing and save on freight charges. We’ll group your order with those of other local farmers and gardeners so we all share in the savings. Proceeds help support Ten Rivers Food Web.
- Order online: Through January 31st.
- Pick up your items: March 4th at the Benton County Fairgrounds
- Please see our Sale Guide and 2023 Price List for more details!
- Click Here to Order Online
- Order online: Through January 31st.
- The Public Seed Library is seeking seed donations. Learn more and donate seeds.
- Continuing education opportunity: The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration recognizes the legacy of Dr. King and allows the Oregon State community to reflect on his work. The 2023 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration keynote speaker is Jelani Cobb. Learn more and reserve a seat, or find out how to watch online
- Soil Amendment Sale: Order soil amendments and feed the microbes, fungi, and other members of the soil micro-herd, who will in turn help feed your plants and give you a bountiful harvest! We also offer a wide selection of propagation supplies, organic pest controls, cover crop seeds, and poultry/livestock supplies. Order with us to get bulk pricing and save on freight charges. We’ll group your order with those of other local farmers and gardeners so we all share in the savings. Proceeds help support Ten Rivers Food Web.