- Share your thoughts about the new format in this 3-minute survey.
- Want to share something in eNews? Please email Elizabeth Records, program staff.
Category Archives: Linn e-News
Linn MGV eNews
- Program updates: Most activities can resume, with a bit of planning. Get the latest information.
- Shout outs
- Statewide MGV awards: If you need some inspiration, take a moment and read what these 44 OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers accomplished this past year, despite the COVID pandemic. Congratulations to all of the Master Gardeners of the Year, and the Behind the Scenes award winners!
- Saturday: Master Gardener BioBlitz: Join us on our iNaturalist project page to capture the insects, birds, wild plants, and other wild organisms in your garden or a nearby garden space. Your efforts will help to document garden biodiversity in Oregon! Learn more.
- Linn County Fair: We had a great presence at the Fair this year with 319 visitors. Most were very interested in the garden, not just using it for a “walk through”. Thank you so much for all of you who prepared the garden and were in the garden to meet and greet all of the visitors. –Janice Gregg
- Volunteers needed.
- Demo garden.
- Visit the Linn County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for these opportunities, and more.
- Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with “$”)
- 9/9-9/17/2021, ($): International Master Gardener Conference 2021.
- Anytime: Elevated MGV courses. Grow skills for successful volunteering in 2021 and beyond. Learn the ECCO database/diagnostic tool for solving gardeners problems. Join Deb K, Fred P, Ann S, Tessa H and others in using a tool that is a major upgrade to other question tracking tools.
- Anytime: Portland Metro Master Gardener webinar series.
- What is marginalization? Learn why it is a problem for Extension and find out some things you can do to respond to marginalization in Creating Safe Spaces Within Extension Programs. To earn one hour of CE, read the article and when completing your reporting, describe how suggestions in this article could apply to your volunteer service.
- LCMGA updates
- Board meeting info: see this week’s eNews email.
- Extension updates
- Popular this week: Fall and Winter Vegetable Gardening in the Pacific Northwest. Includes a list of suitable plants, along with planting dates and recommended varieties.
- Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
- Know people around Lyons or the Santiam Canyon? MGV Diane Hyde is offering a hands-on winter veggie workshop on 8/14. Spread the word!
- Oregon Food Bank Ambassadors. This is an opportunity to help support local leadership and community development with an emphasis on strengthening our local food systems. Individuals from the following communities are encouraged to apply: Refugee and Immigrant communities, Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming communities, Single mothers and caregivers. Learn more: English – Español.
Linn MGV eNews
Recently several Linn Master Gardeners helped harvest and process a large amount of teasel stems. These stems will be used by Rich Little to do more research on how blue orchard mason bees use them. Read more HERE.
- This is your eNews! Share your thoughts about the new format in this 3-minute survey.
- You can still find back issues HERE.
- Want to share something in eNews? Please email Elizabeth Records, program staff.
- Program updates: Most activities can resume, with a bit of planning. Get the latest information.
- Shout outs – eNews is running an extra issue this week and will take a pause July 12-20 for staff vacation. Please send items that need sharing during this time to Kelly Muller.
- Last chance for Master Gardener Mini College (July 16 & 17)! Enroll HERE.
- Volunteers needed.
- Interview partner organizations for the Oregon MGV Program Needs Assessment. We still need folks to interview the local school district, non-profit or government entity of your choice! Please sign up now so Linn County organizations are fully represented!
- Demo garden
- Visit the Linn County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for these opportunities, and more.
- Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with “$”)
- 7/13/2021 @3pm: Fire-wise Landscaping | Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series.
- 9/9-9/17/2021, ($): International Master Gardener Conference 2021.
- Anytime: Elevated MGV courses. Grow skills for successful volunteering in 2021 and beyond. Learn the ECCO database/diagnostic tool for solving gardeners problems. Join Deb K, Fred P, Ann S, Tessa H and others in using a tool that is a major upgrade to other question tracking tools.
- Anytime: Portland Metro Master Gardener webinar series.
- What is marginalization? Learn why it is a problem for Extension and find out some things you can do to respond to marginalization in Creating Safe Spaces Within Extension Programs. To earn one hour of CE, read the article and when completing your reporting, describe how suggestions in this article could apply to your volunteer service.
- LCMGA updates
- Board meeting info: see this week’s eNews email.
- BeeNotes: did you know LCMGA members publish this just-in-time advice for mason bee enthusiasts? Check it out HERE and subscribe.
- Extension updates
- From OSU MGV Program: New and updated resources to support OSU Extension Master Gardeners education with the public. Make sharing with clients easier using these just-in-time resources on popular topics.
- Q: “I am a current Master Gardener volunteer but have not been able to recertify during COVID. What do I need to do?” A: Master Gardeners who were certified for the 2020 calendar year (including folks whose certification rolled over from 2019) will maintain their certification in the 2021/2022 service year. Please report any volunteer service hours and/or continuing education you did.
- Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
- County Line Flowers DIY bouquet day on the farm. Stop by anytime between 10 and 2 for some coffee, conversation, and of course flowers! Bouquets will be priced per stem.
Linn MGV eNews
- This is your eNews! Share your thoughts about the new format in this 3-minute survey.
- You can still find back issues HERE.
- Want to share something in eNews? Please email Elizabeth Records, program staff.
- Program updates: Big news – OSU’s is lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. County or local precautions may still apply to some activities – please contact Elizabeth Records for details as you plan to resume your programming. We’ll seek to offer a range of activities outside, inside and online, to serve volunteers and the public. Thanks as always for your collaboration and support. Get the latest information.
- Shout outs
- Ranee Webb created a lovely blog entry about the history of BEEvent. A super special THANK YOU to those who worked around the clock to make this conference a reality in 2020.
- Thank you Diane White and Bobbye Rainey for answering a record number of questions in plant clinic. This week: “what type of apple tree is this?”
- Thank you Ann Capps and Erin Steinke for being on call to handle samples of soil and insects/plants.
- Volunteers needed.
- Interview partner organizations for the Oregon MGV Program Needs Assessment. We still need folks to interview tribes, Casa Latinos Unidos and the local school district, non-profit or government entity of your choice! Please sign up now so Linn County organizations are fully represented!
- Demo garden
- Visit the Linn County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for these opportunities, and more.
- Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with “$”)
- 7/13/2021 @3pm: Fire-wise Landscaping | Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series.
- 9/9-9/17/2021, ($): International Master Gardener Conference 2021.
- Anytime: Elevated MGV courses. Grow skills for successful volunteering in 2021 and beyond. Learn the ECCO database/diagnostic tool for solving gardeners problems. Join Deb K, Fred P, Ann S, Tessa H and others in using a tool that is a major upgrade to other question tracking tools.
- Anytime: Portland Metro Master Gardener webinar series.
- What is marginalization? Learn why it is a problem for Extension and find out some things you can do to respond to marginalization in Creating Safe Spaces Within Extension Programs. To earn one hour of CE, read the article and when completing your reporting, describe how suggestions in this article could apply to your volunteer service.
- LCMGA updates
- Board meeting info: see this week’s eNews email.
- BeeNotes: did you know LCMGA members publish this just-in-time advice for mason bee enthusiasts? Check it out HERE and subscribe.
- Extension updates
- From Elizabeth Records: Thanks committee chairs for reaching out about planning new activities for reopening. At this point what I know is what I have shared out, but I have it from office managers that there may be some office or county-level guidelines we need to take into account. Once I have the details, I’ll share them out and we can plan next steps. Thank you always for your commitment to offering amazing programming.
- Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
- Seaders Tree Care has free wood chips. Call 541-360-2777 or email addiewenger@gmail.com
- Know anyone who remembers the original Victory Gardens? An author would like to talk with them. Please contact: maggie@maggiestuckey.com
Linn MGV eNews – new format debut
- New executive eNews format! Get what you need faster. Bookmark this page to find it anytime. Receive a direct email for each update.
- This is your eNews! Share your thoughts about the new format in this 3-minute survey.
- You can still find back issues HERE.
- Want to share something in eNews? Please email Elizabeth Records, program staff.
- Program updates
- What does COVID-19 mean for Extension volunteer activities? Get the latest information. Currently we’re in a holding pattern and are expecting more updates in early July.
- Shout outs
- In case you missed it, Brooke Edmunds has transferred to Marion and Polk County Extension. Program staffing is still TBD. I (Elizabeth) am currently your main contact for MGV program needs.
- Volunteers needed.
- Interview partner organizations for the Oregon MGV Program Needs Assessment. If you collaborate with regional or local non-profits, schools, working groups, or agencies, check this one out!
- Demo garden: Because of the blazing temperatures coming, we will meet on FRIDAY this week instead of Saturday.
- Visit the Linn County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for these opportunities, and more.
- Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with “$”)
- 7/13/2021 @3pm: Fire-wise Landscaping | Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series.
- 9/9-9/17/2021, ($): International Master Gardener Conference 2021.
- Anytime: Elevated MGV courses. Grow skills for successful volunteering in 2021 and beyond.
- Learn the ECCO database/diagnostic tool for solving gardeners problems. This tool is a major upgrade to other question-tracking tools we’ve used.
- Anytime: Portland Metro Master Gardener webinar series.
- Extension updates
- Japanese Beetles in Oregon. Learn to identify and scout for Japanese beetles at each cycle of life, and find out how to report a suspected sighting. EM 9158 Revised June 2021
- LCMGA updates
- Board meeting info: see this week’s eNews email.
- BeeNotes: did you know LCMGA members publish this just-in-time advice for mason bee enthusiasts? Check it out HERE and subscribe.
- Community news
- None this week. Check back soon.
Sample eNews
- Program updates
- What does COVID-19 mean for Extension volunteer activities? Get the latest information.
- Shout outs. Thanks to Pete and Jeanette Scott for supporting Seed to Supper! See the story in the latest GROWING.
- Volunteers needed
- Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with “$”)
- 5/6/2021 @12pm: Gardening in the PNW Lunchtime Talks – Dry Gardening.
- 5/18/2021 @12pm: The Culture of Gardening with Abra Lee: “The Work is in Our Hands”.
- 5/11/2021 @3pm: Water-wise gardening | Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series.
- 9/9-9/17/2021, ($): International Master Gardener Conference 2021.
- Anytime: Elevated MGV courses. Grow skills for successful volunteering in 2021 and beyond.
- Anytime: Portland Metro Master Gardener webinar series Online/anytime.
- Extension updates
- How to Control Slugs in Your Garden / Cómo Controlar a las Babosas en su Jardín. Practical tips on how to deal with slugs in your garden, given in both English and Spanish.
- Community news
- Any volunteer opportunities listed here do not count towards your Master Gardener volunteer hour requirement. The inclusion of items in this section is as a courtesy to community partners and does not imply an endorsement.
- Please let your gardeners know about our seed swap/exchange box is all set up! We are at 2988 NW 13th Place, Corvallis. Bring your half empty or last years leftover seeds and swap with ours. Thanks!
Sample Linn e-News (wk of 3/8)
This is a sample e-News post for Linn County Master Gardeners.
This post would replace the bi-weekly e-News being sent by OSU from the MailChimp service.
The same content would be shared but in a different format (announcements on new volunteer opportunities and continuing education classes, updates from the OSU Master Gardener Program, LCMGA links, community news.)
All current Master Gardener volunteers would be emailed a link to this page from Elizabeth as a BCC every other week. This would eliminate the use of MailChimp, simplify the process for OSU Staff/Faculty, and reduce chances of errors by only maintaining one list of current OSU volunteers.
This would also bring all of the OSU volunteer information onto a single website instead of having it be dispersed in multiple emails.