Photo and humor by Susan Morton.
Share your garden photos and stories for this space!
- Program updates: OSU has updated guidelines regarding event planning, as shared by Statewide program coordinator Gail Langellotto in a recent update. The takeaway: in-person non-credit educational events can currently proceed without having to card participants, so long as participants register. Things can change, so offering hybrid events and/or having a virtual plan B would still be wise. If you are planning an event, get the latest information and more details on this important topic. – Elizabeth Records, interim coordinator
- Shout outs
- Need a badge? Order replacement MGV badges by 11:59 pm on 9/31/2021. To order CLICK HERE.
- What native insects and plants can you find? Sep 25 (anytime) – Fall 2021 Master Gardener BioBlitz
- Volunteers needed –
- Demo garden. Visit the Linn County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for these opportunities, and more.
- What are Distance Garden Consults? Early results from the Oregon Master Gardener Needs Assessment show that clients are very interested in personalized consultations. For this pilot volunteer opportunity they would request an appointment with a Master Gardener for a Zoom visit to trouble shoot their garden concerns. You can always do more research and follow up. Zoom, email and internet are the only tech needed. If this interests you please contact Elizabeth.
- Continuing education (free to MGVs)
- For the Love of Hummingbirds-Marion County Master Gardener Association Speaker Series. Be the guest of Brooke Edmunds and Marion County Master Gardener Association, Sep 30, 2021 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm PDT. No cost, registration required. Learn more and RSVP.
- New: The Introduction to Inclusive Excellence in Extension course supports members of the Oregon State University (OSU) Extension community in understanding OSU’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as Extension’s federal Civil Rights responsibilities, so they can be equipped to act in a manner that is consistent with OSU’s commitment to Inclusive Excellence. To register for this anytime course CLICK HERE.
- Oct 12 @3:00 pm – 4:00 pm PDT Online: Adapting Your Garden and Landscape for Climate Change | Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series
- Nov 9 @3:00 pm – 4:00 pm PST Online: Health Soils for Healthy People | Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series
- Anytime: Portland Metro Master Gardener webinar series.
- LCMGA updates are now found in the President’s mailings.
- Extension updates.
- Report to the Oregon Master Gardener Association Board of Directors (4th Quarter meeting, 2021) from Statewide Coordinator.
- It is just about six weeks until the close of the service year!
- Continuing volunteer? There are no official service targets to remain certified at this time, but please log your service and continuing education hours so we can show stakeholders how much volunteers are still doing. Also, take advantage of the great continuing education options.
- 2nd year trainee? Please aim to complete 40 service hours, counting from winter 2020, by 10/31/21 if you would like to earn your first certification this year. Please aim for 50% plant clinic or direct service. Having challenges? Let’s talk – we can figure something out!
- Everyone who would like to participate in any volunteer activities in 2022, needs to re-enroll by reviewing the soon-forthcoming Guide to Volunteering 2022 and completing annual program paperwork. This will be sent by DocuSign in early October, or can be completed as a hard copy and sent to the office. Look out for a post with full directions coming soon.
- Want to propose a new and original project for volunteer service? Please use this updated project proposal form.
- Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
- Benton Soil and Water Conservation District Fall Bulb And Seed Sale: The Fall Native Bulb and Seed Sale is going virtual for 2021. Place your order online between September 1-30. You will receive an email with a link to schedule your order pick up time for a mid-October date.