Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post #4 – Nearing the End

    Welcome back to my capstone blog post! We are quickly approaching the end of the quarter, with around three weeks remaining. At this stage, our group is in its semi-final sprint for the season, where we are implementing the last couple of screens. The last two weeks I have been busy trying to create the…

  • Blog Post #3 – The Midway Point

    Welcome back to my Capstone blog! We’re roughly two-thirds of the way through the Capstone course and have only around four weeks left. Time sure flies! The group project is going very well so far, and the various pieces of the app are all starting to come together. Since the last post, we got the…

  • Blog Post #2 – The Journey Continues…

    Hello, friends! Welcome back to my Capstone blog. It’s been a hot minute since the last post. Some updates regarding the project. I was assigned to work on the Crowd-sourced Shopping App. Initially, I thought the team would be a lot smaller (maybe three members only), but it’s a lot bigger – it’s five members…

  • Blog Post #1 – The Final Journey Begins

    Hello, friends of the internet! I am Daniel, and welcome to my Capstone blog! In this journal, I will post updates on the progress of my capstone project, some technologies that I’m learning along the way, and a tiny bit about some video games that I might be playing during outside of work/school. A little…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!