Blog Post #4 – Nearing the End

Welcome back to my capstone blog post! We are quickly approaching the end of the quarter, with around three weeks remaining. At this stage, our group is in its semi-final sprint for the season, where we are implementing the last couple of screens. The last two weeks I have been busy trying to create the “Select Store” screen, where users select which store to purchase their selected products. I ended up combining the “Current List” screen (a summary of selected products) and the “Select Store” screen together, which stream lined the shopping process and hopefully created a more user-friendly experience.

For this sprint, I didn’t really encounter any major technical issues, but perhaps minor ones. One of the minor issues was that React Native seemingly doesn’t have native support for mouse hover effects. I attempted to search Stack Overflow for possible solutions or search npm for a library, but to no avail. Having the hover effects would be nice, but for now the feature is low priority compared to other tasks on hand. Another minor issue was that, unlike Flutter, React Native did not have a dropdown menu component, which I think is a pretty basic widget. I needed a drop-down menu to allow users to select the quantity for each selected product. I was able to find a library (react-native-modal-dropdown) that did the job, and it was pretty easy to use. And over the last couple of days, I spent some time refactoring code that I wrote earlier in the quarter. There’s a lot of bad code and not-so-best practices, but it’s improving!

Finally, outside of the group project, I’m spending a good chunk of time continuing to play Old School RuneScape (OSRS). The game is more than 20 years old by now, but it’s my first time playing. The experience is very captivating and, at the same time, quite overwhelming. There are so many features to learn in-game and areas to explore. After two weeks of grinding, I don’t think I’ve even scratched the surface of the game yet. What’s also nice is the community. The player count is quite healthy and stable, and the economy is active.

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