
Botsford LW, White JW, Hastings A. 2019. Population Dynamics for Conservation. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Journal Articles
(bold = lab member; *postdoc/research associate, **grad student, §undergrad)


103. **Cheripka AM, Borrett SR, White JW. 2025. Managing range-shifting, competing species in marine reserve networks: the importance of reserve configuration and transient dynamics in age-structured populations.Theoretical Ecology 18:4. Special Collection: Recent Developments in Understanding Marine Reserves

102. White JW, Hopf JK, Arafeh-Dalmau N, Ban NC, Bates AE, Claudet J, Lopazanski C, Sunday JM, Caselle JE. Measurement, mechanisms, and management recommendations for how MPAs can provide climate resilience. Marine Policy 171: 106419


101. White JW, Kilduff DP, Hastings A, Botsford LW. 2024. Marine reserves can buffer against environmental fluctuations for overexploited but not sustainably harvested fisheries. Ecological Applications 34: e3043

100. Hopf JK, **Quennessen V, §Ridgway J, *Barceló C, *Prior Caltabellotta F, Farnsworth Hayroyan S, §Garcia D, **McLeod M, Lester S, Nickols KJ, *Yeager M, White JW. 2024. Ecological success of no-take marine protected areas: using population dynamics theory to inform a global meta-analysis. Ecological Applications 34: e3027

99. *Storch LL, Kimbro DL, Dix N, Marcum P, Garwood J, Stallings CD, White JW. 2023. Stark differences in spatial gradients of Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) productivity in two Florida, USA, estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 297: 108602


98. *Hopf JK, White JW. 2023. Extreme events delay the detection of marine protected area effects: implications for monitoring and management. Biological Conservation 285: 110250

97. Free CM, Anderson SC, Hellmers EA, Muhling BA, Navarro MO, Richerson K, Rogers LA, Satterthwaite WH, Thompson AR, Burt JM, Gaines SD, Marshall KN, White JW, Bellquist LF. 2023. Impact of the 2014-16 marine heatwave on U.S. and Canada West Coast fisheries: surprises and lessons from key case studies. Fish and Fisheries 24: 652-674

96. *van der Grient JMA, Morley SA, Arkhipkin AI, Bates J, Baylis AMM, Brewin PE, Harte M, White JW, Brickle P. 2023. The Falkand Islands marine ecosystem: seasonal dynamics and trophic interactions across the food web. Advances in Marine Biology, 94: 1-68

95. **Quennessen V, Babcock EA, White JW. 2023. Accounting for transient dynamics could improve the use of marine protected areas as a reference point for fishery management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80: 85-104


94. White JW, *Barceló C, Hastings A, Botsford LW. 2022. Pulse disturbances in age-structured populations: life history predicts initial impact and return time. Journal of Animal Ecology 91: 2370-2383

93. Brander SM, White JW, **DeCourten BM, *Major K, **Hutton SJ, Connon RE, Mehinto A. 2022. Accounting for transgenerational effects of toxicant exposure in population models alters predicted long-term population status. Environmental Epigenetics 8: dvac023

92. Kimbro DL, White JW, Breef-Pilz A, Peckham N, Noble A, Chaney C. 2022. Evidence for local adaptation of oysters to a within-estuary gradient in predation pressure weakens with ontogeny. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 555:151784

91. *Hopf JK, Caselle JE, White JW. 2022. No-take marine protected areas enhance the benefits of kelp forest restoration for fish but not for fisheries. Ecology Letters 25:1665-1675

90. *Hopf JK, Caselle JE, White JW. 2022. Recruitment variability and sampling design interact to influence the detectability of protected area effects. Ecological Applications 32:e2511


89. **Hutton SJ, **St. Romain SJ, Pedersen EI, *Siddiqui S, Chappell PE, White JW, Armbrust KL, Brander SM. 2021. Salinity alters toxicity of commonly used pesticides in a model euryhaline fish species (Menidia beryllina). Toxics 9:114

88. *Barceló C, White JW, Botsford LW, Hastings A. 2021. Predicting the time scale of initial increase in fishery yield after implementation of marine protected areas. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78:1860-1871

87. *Dedrick AG, **Catalano KA, **Stuart MA, White JW, Montes, Jr H, Pinsky M. 2021. Persistence of a reef fish metapopulation via network connectivity: theory and data. Ecology Letters 24: 1121-1132

86. White JW, §Yamane M, Nickols KJ, Caselle JE. 2021. Analysis of fish population size distributions confirms cessation of fishing in marine protected area. Conservation Letters 14: e12775

85. *Perkins NR, Prall M, Chakraborty A, White JW, Baskett ML, Morgan SJ. 2021. How to quantify the statistical power of monitoring programs for adaptive management of marine protected areas. Ecological Applications 31: e2215


84. **DeCourten BM, **Forbes JP, §Roark HK, §Burns NP, *Major KM, White JW, Li J, Mehinto AC, Connon RE, Brander SM. 2020. Multigenerational and transgenerational effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of endocrine disruptors in an estuarine model. Environmental Science and Technology 54: 13849-13860

83. Kimbro DL, Stallings CD, White JW. 2020. Diminishing returns in habitat restoration by adding biogenic materials: a test using estuarine oysters and recycled oyster shell. Restoration Ecology 28: 1633-1642

82. Dundas SJ, Levine AS, Lewison RL, Samhouri JF, White C, Galloway AWE, Hazen EL, Spalding A, Stier AC, Doerr A, Garza C, Hill T, Padilla-Gamino J, White JW. 2020. Integrating oceans into climate policy: any Green New Deal needs a splash of Blue. Conservation Letters 13:e12716

81. Kimbro DL, Tillotson HG, White JW. 2020. Environmental forcing and the consumptive effects of predation outweigh the nonconsumptive effects of multiple predators on estuarine oysters. Ecology 101:e03041

80. §Bogdan EE, **Dingeldein AL, §Bertrand DL, White JW. 2020. Risk-sensitive foraging does not explain condition-dependent choices in settling reef-fish larvae. PeerJ 8:e8333

79. **Easter EE, Adreani MS, Hamilton SL, Steele MS, **Pang S, White JW. 2020. Influence of protogynous sex change on recovery of fish populations within marine protected areas. Ecological Applications 30:e02070

78. **Commander CJ, White JW. 2020. Not all disturbances are created equal: disturbance magnitude affects predator-prey populations more than disturbance frequency. Oikos 129:1-12


77. Kroeker KJ, Carr MH, Raimondi PT, Caselle JE, Washburn L, Palumbi SR, Barth JA, Chan F, Menge BA, Milligan K, Novak M, White JW. 2019. Planning for change: assessing the potential role of marine protected areas and fisheries management for managing resilience in a changing ocean. Oceanography 32:116-125. Special Issue on PISCO: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans

76. Lubchenco J, Menge BA, Barth JA, Carr MH, Caselle JE, Chan F, Fulton-Bennett HK, Gaines SD, Kroeker KJ, Milligan K, Palumbi SR, White JW. 2019. Connecting PISCO science to policy makers, managers, and citizens. Oceanography 32:106-115. Special Issue on PISCO: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans

75. Carr MH, White JW, Saarman EM, Lubchenco J, Milligan K, Caselle JE. 2019. Marine Protected Areas exemplify the evolution of science and policy. Oceanography 32:94-103. Special Issue on PISCO: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans

74. Menge BA, Caselle JE, Barth JA, Blanchette CA, Carr MH, Chan F, Gravem S, Gouhier TC, Lubchenco J, McManus MA, Milligan K, Novak M, Raimondi PT, Washburn L, White JW. 2019. Community responses to climate-related variability and disease: the critical importance of long-term research. Oceanography 32:72-81. Special Issue on PISCO: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans

73. White JW, Carr MH, Caselle JE, Palumbi SR, Warner RR, Menge BA, Blanchette CA, Milligan K. 2019. Sidebar: empirical approaches to measure connectivity. Oceanography 32:60-61. Special Issue on PISCO: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans

72. White JW, Carr MH, Caselle JE, Washburn L, Woodson CB, Palumbi SR, Carlson P, Warner RR, Menge BA, Barth JA, Blanchette CA, Raimondi PT, Milligan K. 2019. Connectivity, dispersal, and recruitment: connecting benthic communities and the coastal ocean. Oceanography 32:50-59. Special Issue on PISCO: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans

71. Menge BA, Caselle JE, Milligan K, Gravem SA, Gouhier TC, White JW, Barth JA, Blanchette CA, Carr MH, Chan F, Lubchenco J, McManus MA, Novak M, Raimondi PT, Washburn L. 2019. Integrating coastal ocean and benthic ecological approaches for understanding large-scale meta-ecosystem dynamics. Oceanography 32:38-49, Special Issue on PISCO: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans

70. Menge BA, Milligan K, Caselle JE, Barth J, Blanchette C, Carr M, Chan F, Cowen R, Denny M, Gaines SD, Hofmann G, Kroeker K, Lubchenco J, McManus M, Novak M, Palumbi S, Raimondi P, Somero G, Warner RR, Washburn L, White JW. 2019. PISCO: Advances made through the formation of a large-scale, long-term consortium for integrated understanding of coastal ecosystem dynamics. Oceanography 32:16-25. Special Issue on PISCO: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans

69. Nickols KJ, White JW, Malone D, Carr MH, Starr RM, Baskett ML, Hastings A, Botsford LW. 2019. Setting expectations for adaptive management of marine protected areas. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 2376-2385

68. *Kaplan KA, *Yamane L, Botsford LW, Baskett ML, Hastings A, Worden S, White JW. 2019. Setting expected timelines of fished population recovery for the adaptive management of a marine protected area network. Ecological Applications 29: e01949

67. *Hanley TC, Stallings CD, White JW, Kimbro DL. 2019. Parasite prevalence, but not species diversity, predicts host condition across environmental gradients on oyster reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 612: 111-125

66. Kimbro DL=, White JW=, Grosholz ED. 2019. The dynamics of open populations: integration of top-down, bottom-up, and supply-side influences on intertidal oysters. Oikos 128:584-595   =These authors contributed equally

65. *Pusack TJ, Kimbro DL, White JW, Stallings CD. 2019. Predation on oysters is inhibited by intense or chronically mild low salinity events. Limnology and Oceanography 64: 81-92


64. **Booth HS, *Pusack TJ, White JW, Stallings CD, Kimbro DL. 2018. Intraspecific predator inhibition, not a prey size refuge, enables oyster population persistence during predator outbreaks. Marine Ecology Progress Series 602: 155-167

63. *Garavelli L, White JW, Chollet I, Box SJ, Chérubin LM. 2018. Identifying relevant spatial scales for management to ensure the persistence of a highly exploited species. Conservation Letters 11:e12567

62. Midway SR, White JW, Scharf FS. 2018. The potential for cryptic population structure to sustain a heavily exploited marine flatfish stock. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 10: 411-423

61. **Wang VH, White JW, Arnott SA, Scharf FS. 2018. Population connectivity of southern flounder in the U.S. South Atlantic revealed by otolith chemical analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 569: 165-179

60. *Pusack TJ, White JW, Tillotson H, Kimbro DL, Stallings CD. 2018. Size-dependent feeding and intraspecific inhibition of an estuarine snail on oysters. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 501: 74-82


59. Kimbro DL, White JW, Tillotson H, Cox N, Christopher M, Stokes-Cawley O, Yuan S, *Pusack TJ, Stallings CD. 2017. Local and regional stressors interact to drive a salinization-induced outbreak of predators on Florida oyster reefs. Ecosphere 8: e01992

58. **Hanmer J, White JW, Pawlik JR. 2017. Application of diet theory reveals context-dependent foraging preferences in an herbivorous coral reef fish. Oecologia 184: 127-137

57. Kimbro DL, Grabowski JH, Hughes AR, Piehler MF, White JW. 2017. Nonconsumptive effects of a predator weaken then rebound over time. Ecology 98: 656-667

56. White JW, Cole BJ, Cherr GN, Connon RE, Brander SM. 2017. Scaling up endocrine disruption effects from individuals to populations: outcomes depend on how many males a population needs. Environmental Science and Technology 51: 1802-1810


55. White JW, Nickols KJ, Malone D, Carr MH, Starr RM, Cordoleani F, Baskett ML, Hastings A, Botsford LW. 2016. Methods for fitting state-space integral projection models to size-structured time series data to estimate unknown parameters. Ecological Applications 26: 2675-2692

54. **Hameed SO, White JW, Nickols KJ, Miller SH, Morgan SG. 2016. Coupled larval production and settlement reveals limited population connectivity along 700 km of wave-swept open coast. Proceedings of the Royal Society (B) 283: 20160370

53. Brander SM, Jeffries KM, Cole BJ, **DeCourten BM, White JW, *Hasenbein S, Fangue NA, Connon RE. 2016. Transcriptomic changes underlie altered egg protein production and reduced fecundity in an estuarine model fish exposed to bifenthrin. Aquatic Toxicology 174: 247-260

52. **Dingeldein AL, White JW. 2016. Larval traits carry over to affect post-settlement behaviour in a common coral reef fish. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 903-914

51. **Easter EE, White JW. 2016. Spatial management for protogynous sex-changing fishes: a general framework for coastal systems. Marine Ecology Progress Series 543: 223-249

50. §McCarthy EK, White JW. 2016. Density-dependent prey mortality is determined by the spatial scale of predator foraging. Oecologia 180: 305-311


49. **Heintz MM, Brander SM, White JW. 2015. Endocrine disrupting compounds alter risk-taking behavior in fish (Poecelia reticulata). Ethology 121:480-491

48. White JW. 2015. Marine reserve design theory for species with ontogenetic migration. Biology Letters 11: 20140511
(Special feature: Frontiers in marine movement ecology)

47. Nickols KJ, White JW, Gaylord B, Largier JL. 2015. Marine population connectivity: reconciling large-scale dispersal and high self-retention. American Naturalist 185:196-211
Press release


46. White JW, Morgan SG, Fisher JL. 2014. Planktonic larval mortality rates are lower than widely expected. Ecology 95: 3344-3353

45. White JW, §Schroeger J, Drake PT, Edwards CA. 2014.  The value of larval connectivity information in the static optimization of marine reserve design. Conservation Letters 7: 533-544

44. Wang HY, Botsford LW, White JW, Fogarty MJ, Juanes F, Hastings A, Holland MD, Brander K. 2014. The influence of temperature on life histories sets the sensitivity of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, to fishing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 514: 217-229

43. Botsford LW, White JW, Carr MH, Caselle JE. 2014. Marine protected areas in California, USA. In: Advances in Marine Biology: Marine Managed Areas and Fisheries, vol. 69. (Johnson ML and Sandell J, eds.). Elsevier, Oxford, UK, pp 203-249

42. White JW, Rassweiler A, Samhouri JF, Stier AC, White C. 2014.  Ecologists should not use statistical significance tests to interpret simulation model results. Oikos 123: 385-389
Oikos Editor’s Choice
Recommended by Faculty of 1000 Prime

41. §Birk MA, White JW. 2014. Experimental determination of the spatial scale of a prey patch from the predator’s perspective. Oecologia 174: 723-729

40. Burgess SC, Nickols KJ, Griesemer CD, Barnett LAK, Dedrick AG, Satterthwaite EV, Yamane L, Morgan SG, White JW, Botsford LW. 2014. Beyond connectivity: how empirical methods can quantify population persistence to improve marine protected area design.  Ecological Applications 24: 257-270

39. Stier AC=, White JW=. 2014. Predator density and the functional response of coral reef fish. Coral Reefs 33: 235-240.  =These authors contributed equally

38. White JW, Botsford LW, Hastings A, Holland MD. 2014. Stochastic models reveal conditions for cyclic dominance in sockeye salmon populations. Ecological Monographs 84: 69-90


37. Brander SM, Connon RE, He G, Hobbs JA, Smalling KL, Teh SJ, White JW, Werner I, Denison MS, Cherr GN. 2013. From ‘omics to otoliths: responses of an estuarine fish to endocrine disrupting compounds across biological scales.  PLOS ONE 8: e74521
Press coverage

36. **Midway SR, White JW, Roumillat W, Batsavage C, Scharf FS. 2013. Improving macroscopic maturity determination in a pre-spawning flatfish through predictive modeling and whole mount methods. Fisheries Research 147: 359-369

35. Moffitt EA, White JW, Botsford LW. 2013. Accurate assessment of marine protected area success depends on metric and spatiotemporal scale of monitoring. Marine Ecology Progress Series 489: 17-28

34. White JW, Botsford LW, Hastings A, Baskett ML, Kaplan DM, Barnett LAK. 2013. Transient responses of fished populations to marine reserve establishment. Conservation Letters 6: 180-191

33. Sorte CJB, White JW. 2013 Competitive and demographic leverage points of community shifts under climate change. Proceedings of the Royal Society (B) 280: 20130572

32. Miller SH, Morgan SG, White JW, Green PG. 2013. Trace element signatures in larval soft tissues reveal larval transport but not population connectivity. Marine Ecology Progress Series 481: 1-10

31. Bucaram SJ, White JW, Sanchirico JN, Wilen JE. 2013. Behavior of the Galapagos fishing fleet and its consequences for the design of spatial management alternatives for the red spiny lobster fishery. Ocean and Coastal Management 78: 88-100
Comment by Castrejón and Charles. Ocean and Coastal Management 89: 113-116
Reply by Bucaram et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 89: 112

30. White JW, Scholz AJ, Rassweiler A, Steinback C, Botsford LW, Kruse S, Costello C, Mitarai S, Siegel D, Drake PT, Edwards C. 2013. A comparison of approaches used for economic analysis in marine protected area planning in California. Ocean and Coastal Management 74: 77-89
(Special issue on the California Marine Life Protection Act)

29. Miller SH, Morgan SG, White JW, Green PG. 2013. Interannual variability in an atlas of trace element signatures for determining population connectivity. Marine Ecology Progress Series 474: 179-190


28. Hunsicker ME, Ciannelli L, Bailey KM, Buckel JA, White JW, Link JS, Essington TE, Anderson TW, Brodeur RD, Chan KS, Chen K, Englund G, Frank KT, Frietas V, Gaichas S, Hixon MA, Hurst T, Johnson DW, Kitchell JF, Reese D, Rose GA, Sjodin H, Sydeman WJ, van der Veer H, Vollset K, Zador S. 2011. Functional responses and scaling in marine predator-prey interactions: contemporary issues and emerging concepts. Ecology Letters 14: 1288-1299

27. Fischer DT=, White JW=, Botsford LW, Largier JL, Kaplan DM. 2011. A GIS-based tool for representing larval dispersal for marine reserve selection. The Professional Geographer 63: 489-513
     =These authors contributed equally.

26. Standish JD, White JW, Warner RR. 2011. The spatial pattern of natal signatures in the otoliths of juvenile Sebastes atrovirens along the California coast. Marine Ecology Progress Series 437: 279-290

25. White JW, Botsford LW, Baskett ML, Barnett LAK, Barr RJ, Hastings A. 2011. Linking models and monitoring data for assessing performance of no-take marine reserves. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9: 390-399

24. White JW. 2011. Can inverse density dependence at small spatial scales produce dynamic instability in animal populations? Theoretical Ecology 4: 357-370

23. White JW, Samhouri JF. 2011. Oceanographic coupling across multiple trophic levels shapes source-sink dynamics in marine metacommunities. Oikos 120: 1151-1164
Rated 8/10 by Faculty of 1000

22. Botsford, LW, Holland MD, Samhouri JF, White JW, Hastings A. 2011. Importance of age structure in models of the response of upper trophic levels to fishing and climate change.  ICES Journal of Marine Science 68: 1270-1283
(Special issue: Climate change effects on fish and fisheries: forecasting impacts, assessing ecosytem responses, and evaluating management strategies)

21. Morgan SG, White JW, McAfee ST, Gaines SD, Schmitt RJ. 2011. Weak synchrony in the timing of larval release in upwelling regimes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 425: 103-112

20. Moffitt EA, White JW, Botsford LW. 2011. The utility and limitations of size and spacing guidelines for designing marine protected area networks. Biological Conservation 144: 306-318


19. White JW, Rogers-Bennett L. 2010. Incorporating physical oceanographic proxies of recruitment into population models to improve fishery and marine protected area management.  CalCOFI Reports 51: 128-149
(Part of the Symposium on forecasting fishery productivity in the California Current)

18. White JW, Nickols KJ, Clarke L, Largier JL. 2010. Population effects of larval entrainment in cooling water intakes: spatially explicit models reveal shortcomings of traditional assessments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67: 2014-2031

17. White JW, Botsford LW, Moffitt EA, Fischer DT. 2010. Decision analysis for designing marine protected areas for multiple species with uncertain fishery status. Ecological Applications 20: 1523-1541

16. White JW, Samhouri JF, Stier AC, Wormald CL, Hamilton SL, Sandin SA. 2010. Synthesizing mechanisms of density dependence in reef fishes: behavior, habitat configuration, and observation scale. Ecology 91: 1949-1961
Photo Gallery: ESA Bulletin, July 2010

15. White JW. 2010. Adapting the steepness parameter from stock-recruit curves for use in spatially explicit models. Fisheries Research 102: 330-334

14. White JW, Botsford LW, Hastings A, Largier JL. 2010. Population persistence in marine reserve networks: incorporating spatial heterogeneities in larval dispersal. Marine Ecology Progress Series 398: 49-67


13. Brander SM, Werner I, White JW, Deavonic LA. 2009. Toxicity of a dissolved pyrethroid mixture to Hyallela azteca at environmentally relevant concentrations. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28: 1493-1499

12. Botsford LW, White JW, Coffroth M-A, Jones GP, Paris C, Planes S, Shearer TL, Thorrold S. 2009. Connectivity and resilience of coral reef metapopulations in MPAs: matching empirical efforts to predictive needs. Coral Reefs 28: 327-337


11. White JW, Standish JD, Thorrold SR, Warner RR. 2008. Markov chain – Monte Carlo methods for assignment of natal origins and mixed-stock analysis using natural geochemical tags. Ecological Applications 18:1901-1913
Rated 6/10 by Faculty of 1000

10. White JW and Caselle JE. 2008. Scale-dependent changes in the importance of larval supply and habitat availability to abundance of a reef fish. Ecology 89: 1323-1333

9. White JW. 2008. Spatially coupled larval supply of marine predators and their prey alters the predictions of metapopulation models. The American Naturalist 171:E179-E1942007


8. White JW, Warner RR. 2007. Safety in numbers and the spatial scaling of density dependence in a coral reef fish. Ecology 88: 3044-3054

7. White JW, Warner RR. 2007. Behavioral and energetic costs of group membership in a shoaling reef fish. Oecologia 154: 423:433

6. White JW. 2007. Spatially correlated recruitment of a marine predator and its prey shapes the large-scale pattern of prey mortality. Ecology Letters 10: 1054-1065

5. White JW, Grigsby CJ, Warner RR. 2007. Cleaning behavior is riskier and less profitable than an alternative strategy for a facultative cleaner fish. Coral Reefs 26: 87-94

4. White JW and Ruttenberg BI. 2007. Discriminant function analysis in marine ecology: some common oversights and their solutions. Marine Ecology Progress Series 329: 301-305


3. Munday PL, White JW, Warner RR. 2006. A social basis for the development of primary males in sex-changing fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society (B) 273: 2845-2851

2. Hamilton SL, White JW, Caselle JE, Swearer SE, Warner RR. 2006. Consistent long-term spatial gradients of replenishment for an island population of a coral reef fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 306: 247-256


1. Rudgers JA, Hodgen JG, White JW. 2003. Behavioral mechanisms underlie an ant-plant mutualism. Oecologia 135: 51-59

Book Chapters

3. White JW, Carr MH, Syms C. 2025. Recruitment. In: Ecology of Marine Fishes: California and Associated Waters, 2nd Ed. (Allen LG, Pondella D, eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press. in press.

2. White JW, Spiecker BE, *Yeager MJ, Caselle JE. 2025. Marine protected areas and temperate reef fishes. 2024. In: Ecology of Marine Fishes: California and Associated Waters, 2nd Ed. (Allen LG, Pondella D, eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press. in press.

1. Field JC, White JW, Botsford LW. 2025. Fisheries management and models in the California Current. 2024. In: Ecology of Marine Fishes: California and Associated Waters, 2nd Ed. (Allen LG, Pondella D, eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press. in press.

Articles submitted/in review

*Yamane L, *Kaplan KA, White JW, Caselle JE, Malone D, Carr MH, Baskett ML, Hastings A, Botsford LW. Quantifying local fishing mortality rates to inform how and where to monitor marine protected areas. Theoretical Ecology, in revision

Chen, R, Hopf JK, White JW. Management of fished populations inside marine reserves: perspectives from equilbrium versus transient dynamics. Theoretical Ecology, in revision

White JW, *Hopf JK, Kilduff DP, Hastings A, Botsford LW. The roles of population dynamic theory in the design and assessment of marine reserves. Theoretical Ecology, in revision

**Campbell MC, Samhouri JF, White JW. Modeling consequences of spatial closures for offshore energy: loss of fishing grounds and fishery-independent data. Ecological Applications, in review

Midway SR, White JW. It’s OK not to be normal: usage of normality tests in linear models. Royal Society Open Science, in review

*Cullen JA, **Santos AJB, White JW, Komoroske LM, Stahelin G, Fuentes MMPB. Method selection and temporal scale greatly impact ecological inferences on animal behavior and space use. Animal Biotelemetry, in revision

**Commander CJ, Stallings CD, Kimbro DL, White JW. Increasing frequency of extreme salinity disturbances on oysters and their predator is predicted to improve oyster population persistence. Ecology, in preparation for submission.

Other publications

11. *Yeager ME, White JW, Carr MH, Malone D, Raimondi P. 2023. Assessing connectivity across the California Marine Protected Area Network. Report submitted to the California Ocean Protection Council.

10. White JW. 2023. Book review: Introduction to Quantitative Ecology by Timothy Essington. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 152: 849-850

9. Hopf JK, Erickson B, Caselle JE, Gelcich S, Lester S, Nickols KJ, Sanchirico J, Biedenweg K, White JW. 2022. 2022 Assessment of Oregon’s Marine Reserves. Report submitted to the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee of the Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council. 

8. Hofmann GH, Hazen EL, Ambrose RF, Aseltine-Neilson D, Carter HC, Caselle JE, Chan F, Kone D, Levine A, Panos D, Micheli F, Sunday J, White JW. 2021. Climate Resilience and California’s Marine Protected Area Network: A Report by the Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team Working Group and California Ocean Science Trust.

7. Hilty J, Worboys G, Keeley A, Woodley S, Lausche B, Locke H, Carr M, Pulsford I, Pittock J, White W, Theobald D, Levine J, Reuling M, Watson J, Ament R, Tabor G. 2020. Guidance for conserving connectivity through ecological corridors and networks. International Union for the Conservation of Nature, in press

6. *Easter EE, Adreani MS, Hamilton SL, Steele MS, *Pang S, White JW. 2020. Population dynamics of sex-changing fishes in marine protected areas. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101:e01669

5. White JW, Nickols KJ, Botsford LW. 2017. Response to O’Leary et al.: Misuse of models leads to misguided conservation recommendations. Conservation Letters 10: 269-270

4. White JW. 2016. Book review: Secor, D.H., Migration Ecology of Marine Fishes. Reviews in Fishery Science and Aquaculture 24: 111-112

3. Bucaram S, White JW, Sanchirico JN, Wilen JE. 2014. Improving fisheries knowledge does not diminish prior efforts: a reply to Castrejón and Charles. Ocean and Coastal Management 89: 112

2. White JW, Samhouri JF, Stier AC, Wormald CL, Hamilton SL, Sandin SA. 2010. Fish density on reefs. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 91: 347-350

1. Rogers-Bennett L, White JW. 2010. Symposium of the CalCOFI conference, 2009: Forecasting fishery productivity in the California Current. CalCOFI Reports 51:75-76.