Population Dynamics for Conservation is now available at Oxford University Press.

Matlab code used to generate all figures in the book is here.

Book errata

Errata are maintained here, please contact me if you discover one!

p. vii: GitHub URL is incorrect; should be https://github.com/jwilsonwhite/PDC_book

Table 4.1: λ5 should have a – not a + in the complex number.

p. 102: The far right-hand side of Eq. (4.15a) should be w1 * v1′ / ( w1′ * v1). That is, the denominator should be the dot product of the two eigenvectors.

p. 131: Second paragraph refers to using Eq. (5.6c); should be Eq. (5.6b).

p. 174: There are no arrows on the axis in Fig. 7.3, as we say there are.