Sediment transport is the movement of the sand particle and it is usually driven by the movement of water in which the sediment is entrained. Sediment converges or diverges with respect to the different hydrodynamics of waves, currents, and combined wave currents, and especially converged sediment can form different scales of morphological features, such as small-scale (cm scale) ripples and large-scale (m or km scale) sandbars.
Seok-Bong investigates how small scale bedform dynamics contribute to the large-scale morphological diffusion. This examines the quantification of bedload sediment flux driven by small-scale ripple dynamics. He also studies the feedback processes between small-scale ripple dynamics and large-scale morphological features, such as an offshore sandbar. Also he studies feedback mechanisms between bedform morphodynamics and underlying hydrodynamics such as waves and combined wave-currents. To address his research questions, he joined small- and large-scale flume experiments and has been doing data analysis from the experiments data.
Related Publications:
Lee, S.B., Wengrove, M.E., de Schipper, M.A., Hopkins, J., Kleinhans, M.G. and Ruessink, G., 2023. The contribution of sand ripple and slope driven sediment flux to morphologic change of an idealized mound under waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128(1), p.e2021JF006467.