Books & Book Chapters

  1. de Vries, S., Wengrove, M. and Bosboom, J., 2020. Marine sediment transport. In Sandy Beach Morphodynamics (pp. 187-212). Elsevier. Editors: Derek Jackson and Andrew Short. ISBN 9780081029275.

Refereed Journal Publications

Students indicated in bold

  1. Wengrove, M.E., Pettit, E.C., Nash, J.D., Jackson, R.H. and Skyllingstad, E.D., 2023. Melting of glacier ice enhanced by bursting air bubbles. Nature Geoscience, pp.1-6.
  2. Wengrove, M., Pettit, E., 2023. Bubble bursts increase melt rates of tidewater glaciers. Nat. Geoscience Briefing (2023).
  3. Bond, H., Wengrove, M.E., Pontiki, M., Puleo, J., Evans, M., 2023. Beach dune subsurface hydrodynamics and the formation of dune scarps. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface.
  4. Feagin, R., Innocenti, R., Bond, H., Wengrove, M., Huff, T., Lomonaco, P., Tsai, B., Puleo, J., Pontiki, M., Figlus, J., Chavez, V., Silva, R. Vegetation accelerates coastal dune erosion during extreme events. 2023. Science Advances.
  5. Pontiki, M., Puleo, J., Bond, H., Wengrove, M., Feagin, R., Hsu, T., Huff, T., 2023. Geomorphic Response of a Coastal Berm to Storm Surge and the Importance of Sheet Flow Dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface.
  6. Lee, S.B., Wengrove, M.E., de Schipper, M.A., Hopkins, J., Kleinhans, M.G. and Ruessink, G., The contribution of sand ripple and slope driven sediment flux to morphologic change of an idealized mound under waves. 2023. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, p.e2021JF006467.
  7. Dickey, J., Wengrove, M., Cohn, N., Ruggiero, P. and Hacker, S., Observations and Modeling of Shear Stress Reduction and Sediment Flux within Sparse Dune Grass Canopies on Managed Coastal Dunes. 2023. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
  8. Hagan, D., Wengrove, M., Dubief, Y., Desjardins, O., Frank-Gilchrist, D. and Calantoni, J., 2023. Particle based Large Eddy Simulation of vortex ripple dynamics using an Euler–Lagrange approach. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 97, pp.53-69.
  9. Holzenthal, E.R, Wengrove, M.E., Hill, D., 2022. Mechanisms of sediment transport around finite patches of submerged aquatic vegetation. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.
  10. Holzenthal, E.R., Hill, D.F. and Wengrove, M.E., 2022. Multi-Scale Influence of Flexible Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) on Estuarine Hydrodynamics. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(4), p.554.
  11. Wengrove, M.E., de Schipper, M.A., Lippmann, T.C. and Foster, D.L., 2022. Surfzone bedform migration and sediment flux implications to large scale morphologic evolution. Geomorphology, p.108246.
  12. Flanagan, T., Wengrove, M. and Robertson, B., 2022. Coupled Wave Energy Converter and Nearshore Wave Propagation Models for Coastal Impact Assessments. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(3), p.370.
  13. Hopkins, J., de Schipper, M., Wengrove, M. and Castelle, B., 2022. Wave-Current Impact on Shear Stress Patterns around 3D Shallow Bedforms. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(9), p.1178.
  14. Innocenti, R.A., Feagin, R.A., Charbonneau, B.R., Figlus, J., Lomonaco, P., Wengrove, M., Puleo, J., Huff, T.P., Rafati, Y., Hsu, T.J. and Moragues, M.V., 2021. The effects of plant structure and flow properties on the physical response of coastal dune plants to wind and wave run-up. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 261, p.107556.
  15. Cook, S.E., Lippmann, T.C., Koetje, K., Wengrove, M. and Foster, D., 2021. The influence of submerged aquatic vegetation on modeled estimates of bed shear stress and nutrient resuspension in a tidally dominant estuary. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, sub judice.
  16. Converse, J., Wengrove, M.E., and Lomonaco, P., 2020. Observations of wave attenuation, scour, and subsurface pore pressures across three marsh restoration sill structures on a sandy bed, Shore & Beach, 88(3), 14-30. **Invited Paper
  17. Wengrove, M.E., Ebadi, A., White, C.M. and Foster, D.L., 2020. Evaluation of the momentum integral method to determine the wall skin friction in separated flows. Experiments in Fluids, 61(12), pp.1-13.
  18. Wengrove, M.E., Foster, D.L., Lippmann, T.C., de Schipper, M.A. and Calantoni, J., 2019. Observations of Bedform Migration and Bedload Sediment Transport in Combined Wave‐Current Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124(7), pp.4572-4590.
  19. Wengrove, M.E., Foster, D.L., Lippmann, T.C., de Schipper, M.A. and Calantoni, J., 2018. Observations of Time‐Dependent Bedform Transformation in Combined Wave‐Current Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(10), pp.7581-7598.
  20. Wengrove, M.E., Foster, D.L., Kalnejais, L.H., Percuoco, V. and Lippmann, T.C., 2015. Field and laboratory observations of bed stress and associated nutrient release in a tidal estuary. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 161, pp.11-24.
  21. Wengrove, M.E. and Foster, D.L., 2014. Field evidence of the viscous sublayer in a tidally forced developing boundary layer. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(14), pp.5084-5090.
  22. Radermacher, M., Wengrove, M., de Vries, J.V.T. and Holman, R., 2014. Applicability of video-derived bathymetry estimates to nearshore current model predictions. Journal of Coastal Research, 70(sp1), pp.290-295.
  23. Wengrove, M.E. and Ballestero, T.P., 2012. Upstream to downstream: stormwater quality in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 184(8), pp.5025-5034.

Conference Publications

  1. Montoya, B.M., Evans, T.M., Wengrove, M.E., Bond, H., Ghasemi, P., Yazdani, E. Dadashiserej, A. Liu, Q. 2020. Resisting Dune Erosion with Bio-cementation. In ICSE Proceedings.
  2. Kim, S.K., Park, J., Wengrove, M.E. and Dickey, J.E., 2021, September. Feasibility Study of GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR) For Retrieving Significant Wave Height. In 2021 IEEE Specialist Meeting on Reflectometry using GNSS and other Signals of Opportunity (GNSS+ R) (pp. 69-72). IEEE.
  3. Yazdani, E., Montoya, B., Wengrove, M. and Evans, T.M., 2022. Bio-Cementation for Protection of Coastal Dunes: Physical Models and Element Tests. In Geo-Congress 2022 (pp. 406-416).
  4. Glover, H., Wengrove, M., and Holman, R. 2023. Distributed acoustic sensing of nearshore processes in duck, NC, USA. Conference Proceeding to the 2023 Coastal Sediments Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  5. Lee, S-B., Wengrove, M., de Schipper, M., Hopkins, J., Kleinhans, M., Ruessink, G. 2023. Sand ripple formation and impact on sandy mound diffusion under waves, curreents, and combined flows. Conference Proceeding to the 2023 Coastal Sediments Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. 
  6. Bond, H., Kaminsky, G., and Wengrove, M. 2023. Seasonal profile variations of a dynamic revetment in north cove, Washington, USA. Conference Proceeding to the 2023 Coastal Sediments Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. 
  7. Laporte-Fauret, Q., Askerooth, R., Wengrove, M., Hacker, S., Ruggiero, P., Dickey, J., Edgell, R., Silvernail, I., 2023. Experimental test of the influence of native and non-native plant species on sand accretion on a U.S. Pacific Northwest dune. Conference Proceeding to the 2023 Coastal Sediments Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  8. Wengrove, M., Lee, S.-B., Weber, P., Nelson, N., Mullins, M., 2023. A semi-empirical tool for prediction of sandwave growth and migration. Conference Proceeding to the 2023 Coastal Sediments Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  9. Pontiki, M., Puleo, J.A., Feagin, R.A., Wengrove, M., Hsu, T.J. and Cox, D., 2020. Laboratory study of swash-zone dynamics on dune erosion. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, (36v), pp.3-3.
  10. Weaver, B., C. Parrish, M. Wengrove, J. Herrmann, L. Shi, L. Tang, G. Seroka, J. Riley, E. Myers, and S. Pe’eri, 2022. Satellite Altimetry-Derived Mean Sea Surface and Mean Dynamic Topography for Vertical Datum Transformations and Modeling. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022, 28 Feb-4 Mar, Online.
  11. Lee, S.B., Wengrove, M., Hopkins, J., Saxoni, I. and de Schipper, M.A., 2019. Wave driven sand ripple formation and evolution on a mound. In Coastal Sediments.
  12. de Schipper, M., Hopkins, J., Wengrove, M., Saxoni, I., Kleinhans, M., Sénéchal, N., Castelle, B., Ribas, F., Ruessink, B., Murphy, B. and Mclelland, S., 2019, May. MODEX: Laboratory Experiment Exploring Sediment Spreading of a Mound Under Waves and Currents. In Coastal Sediments’ 19.
  13. Hopkins, J., de Schipper, M., Wengrove, M., de Wit, F. and Castelle, B., 2019, May. Observations and Numerical Model Results of Morphodynamic Feedback Owing to Wave-Current Interaction. In Coastal Sediments’ 19.
  14. Wengrove, M.E., Foster, D.L., de Schipper, M.A. and Lippmann, T.C., 2017. Wave and current ripple formation and migration during storms. In Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics (Vol. 129, pp. 955-965).
  15. Wengrove, M.E., Henriquez, M., De Schipper, M.A., Holman, R. and Stive, M.J.F., 2013. Monitoring morphology of the sand engine leeside using Argus’ cBathy. In Coastal Dynamics 2013: 7th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Arcachon, France, 24-28 June 2013. Bordeaux University.