Coastal Engineering with Nature
- Sediment transport and morphological development of vegetated coastal dunes: Funded by Oregon Sea Grant, the U.S. Coastal Research Program, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Oregon Wildlife Foundation
- Dune morphodynamic change due to storms and tsunami: Funded by the National Science Foundation and Oregon Sea Grant
- Runup and evolution of dynamic revetments and cobble beaches: Funded by Oregon Sea Grant, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, SERDP
- Sediment transport and morphological development through subaqueous vegetation and on living shoreline sills: Funded by the PADI foundation, Graduate Women In Science
Boundary Layers & Morphodynamics
- The influence of sand ripples on coastal morphodynamics: Funded by the Hydralab+ and the PADI foundation
- The influence of ice roughness and bubbles on glacier melt: Funded by the Keck Foundation and the National Science Foundation
Sensing the Ocean with Fiber Optics
- Using submarine fiber optic sensing for community safety: Funded by the Office of Naval Research
- Using submarine fiber optic sensing for wave energy converter efficiency: Funded by NAVFAC