Books & Book Chapters
- de Vries, S., Wengrove, M. and Bosboom, J., 2020. Marine sediment transport. In Sandy Beach Morphodynamics (pp. 187-212). Elsevier. Editors: Derek Jackson and Andrew Short. ISBN 9780081029275.
Refereed Journal Publications
Students indicated in bold
- Wengrove, M.E., Pettit, E.C., Nash, J.D., Jackson, R.H. and Skyllingstad, E.D., 2023. Melting of glacier ice enhanced by bursting air bubbles. Nature Geoscience, pp.1-6.
- Wengrove, M., Pettit, E., 2023. Bubble bursts increase melt rates of tidewater glaciers. Nat. Geoscience Briefing (2023).
- Bond, H., Wengrove, M.E., Pontiki, M., Puleo, J., Evans, M., 2023. Beach dune subsurface hydrodynamics and the formation of dune scarps. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface.
- Feagin, R., Innocenti, R., Bond, H., Wengrove, M., Huff, T., Lomonaco, P., Tsai, B., Puleo, J., Pontiki, M., Figlus, J., Chavez, V., Silva, R. Vegetation accelerates coastal dune erosion during extreme events. 2023. Science Advances.
- Pontiki, M., Puleo, J., Bond, H., Wengrove, M., Feagin, R., Hsu, T., Huff, T., 2023. Geomorphic Response of a Coastal Berm to Storm Surge and the Importance of Sheet Flow Dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface.
- Lee, S.B., Wengrove, M.E., de Schipper, M.A., Hopkins, J., Kleinhans, M.G. and Ruessink, G., The contribution of sand ripple and slope driven sediment flux to morphologic change of an idealized mound under waves. 2023. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, p.e2021JF006467.
- Dickey, J., Wengrove, M., Cohn, N., Ruggiero, P. and Hacker, S., Observations and Modeling of Shear Stress Reduction and Sediment Flux within Sparse Dune Grass Canopies on Managed Coastal Dunes. 2023. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
- Hagan, D., Wengrove, M., Dubief, Y., Desjardins, O., Frank-Gilchrist, D. and Calantoni, J., 2023. Particle based Large Eddy Simulation of vortex ripple dynamics using an Euler–Lagrange approach. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 97, pp.53-69.
- Holzenthal, E.R, Wengrove, M.E., Hill, D., 2022. Mechanisms of sediment transport around finite patches of submerged aquatic vegetation. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.
- Holzenthal, E.R., Hill, D.F. and Wengrove, M.E., 2022. Multi-Scale Influence of Flexible Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) on Estuarine Hydrodynamics. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(4), p.554.
- Wengrove, M.E., de Schipper, M.A., Lippmann, T.C. and Foster, D.L., 2022. Surfzone bedform migration and sediment flux implications to large scale morphologic evolution. Geomorphology, p.108246.
- Flanagan, T., Wengrove, M. and Robertson, B., 2022. Coupled Wave Energy Converter and Nearshore Wave Propagation Models for Coastal Impact Assessments. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(3), p.370.
- Hopkins, J., de Schipper, M., Wengrove, M. and Castelle, B., 2022. Wave-Current Impact on Shear Stress Patterns around 3D Shallow Bedforms. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(9), p.1178.
- Innocenti, R.A., Feagin, R.A., Charbonneau, B.R., Figlus, J., Lomonaco, P., Wengrove, M., Puleo, J., Huff, T.P., Rafati, Y., Hsu, T.J. and Moragues, M.V., 2021. The effects of plant structure and flow properties on the physical response of coastal dune plants to wind and wave run-up. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 261, p.107556.
- Cook, S.E., Lippmann, T.C., Koetje, K., Wengrove, M. and Foster, D., 2021. The influence of submerged aquatic vegetation on modeled estimates of bed shear stress and nutrient resuspension in a tidally dominant estuary. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, sub judice.
- Converse, J., Wengrove, M.E., and Lomonaco, P., 2020. Observations of wave attenuation, scour, and subsurface pore pressures across three marsh restoration sill structures on a sandy bed, Shore & Beach, 88(3), 14-30. **Invited Paper
- Wengrove, M.E., Ebadi, A., White, C.M. and Foster, D.L., 2020. Evaluation of the momentum integral method to determine the wall skin friction in separated flows. Experiments in Fluids, 61(12), pp.1-13.
- Wengrove, M.E., Foster, D.L., Lippmann, T.C., de Schipper, M.A. and Calantoni, J., 2019. Observations of Bedform Migration and Bedload Sediment Transport in Combined Wave‐Current Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124(7), pp.4572-4590.
- Wengrove, M.E., Foster, D.L., Lippmann, T.C., de Schipper, M.A. and Calantoni, J., 2018. Observations of Time‐Dependent Bedform Transformation in Combined Wave‐Current Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(10), pp.7581-7598.
- Wengrove, M.E., Foster, D.L., Kalnejais, L.H., Percuoco, V. and Lippmann, T.C., 2015. Field and laboratory observations of bed stress and associated nutrient release in a tidal estuary. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 161, pp.11-24.
- Wengrove, M.E. and Foster, D.L., 2014. Field evidence of the viscous sublayer in a tidally forced developing boundary layer. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(14), pp.5084-5090.
- Radermacher, M., Wengrove, M., de Vries, J.V.T. and Holman, R., 2014. Applicability of video-derived bathymetry estimates to nearshore current model predictions. Journal of Coastal Research, 70(sp1), pp.290-295.
- Wengrove, M.E. and Ballestero, T.P., 2012. Upstream to downstream: stormwater quality in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 184(8), pp.5025-5034.
Conference Publications
- Montoya, B.M., Evans, T.M., Wengrove, M.E., Bond, H., Ghasemi, P., Yazdani, E. Dadashiserej, A. Liu, Q. 2020. Resisting Dune Erosion with Bio-cementation. In ICSE Proceedings.
- Kim, S.K., Park, J., Wengrove, M.E. and Dickey, J.E., 2021, September. Feasibility Study of GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR) For Retrieving Significant Wave Height. In 2021 IEEE Specialist Meeting on Reflectometry using GNSS and other Signals of Opportunity (GNSS+ R) (pp. 69-72). IEEE.
- Yazdani, E., Montoya, B., Wengrove, M. and Evans, T.M., 2022. Bio-Cementation for Protection of Coastal Dunes: Physical Models and Element Tests. In Geo-Congress 2022 (pp. 406-416).
- Glover, H., Wengrove, M., and Holman, R. 2023. Distributed acoustic sensing of nearshore processes in duck, NC, USA. Conference Proceeding to the 2023 Coastal Sediments Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Lee, S-B., Wengrove, M., de Schipper, M., Hopkins, J., Kleinhans, M., Ruessink, G. 2023. Sand ripple formation and impact on sandy mound diffusion under waves, curreents, and combined flows. Conference Proceeding to the 2023 Coastal Sediments Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Bond, H., Kaminsky, G., and Wengrove, M. 2023. Seasonal profile variations of a dynamic revetment in north cove, Washington, USA. Conference Proceeding to the 2023 Coastal Sediments Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Laporte-Fauret, Q., Askerooth, R., Wengrove, M., Hacker, S., Ruggiero, P., Dickey, J., Edgell, R., Silvernail, I., 2023. Experimental test of the influence of native and non-native plant species on sand accretion on a U.S. Pacific Northwest dune. Conference Proceeding to the 2023 Coastal Sediments Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Wengrove, M., Lee, S.-B., Weber, P., Nelson, N., Mullins, M., 2023. A semi-empirical tool for prediction of sandwave growth and migration. Conference Proceeding to the 2023 Coastal Sediments Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Pontiki, M., Puleo, J.A., Feagin, R.A., Wengrove, M., Hsu, T.J. and Cox, D., 2020. Laboratory study of swash-zone dynamics on dune erosion. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, (36v), pp.3-3.
- Weaver, B., C. Parrish, M. Wengrove, J. Herrmann, L. Shi, L. Tang, G. Seroka, J. Riley, E. Myers, and S. Pe’eri, 2022. Satellite Altimetry-Derived Mean Sea Surface and Mean Dynamic Topography for Vertical Datum Transformations and Modeling. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022, 28 Feb-4 Mar, Online.
- Lee, S.B., Wengrove, M., Hopkins, J., Saxoni, I. and de Schipper, M.A., 2019. Wave driven sand ripple formation and evolution on a mound. In Coastal Sediments.
- de Schipper, M., Hopkins, J., Wengrove, M., Saxoni, I., Kleinhans, M., Sénéchal, N., Castelle, B., Ribas, F., Ruessink, B., Murphy, B. and Mclelland, S., 2019, May. MODEX: Laboratory Experiment Exploring Sediment Spreading of a Mound Under Waves and Currents. In Coastal Sediments’ 19.
- Hopkins, J., de Schipper, M., Wengrove, M., de Wit, F. and Castelle, B., 2019, May. Observations and Numerical Model Results of Morphodynamic Feedback Owing to Wave-Current Interaction. In Coastal Sediments’ 19.
- Wengrove, M.E., Foster, D.L., de Schipper, M.A. and Lippmann, T.C., 2017. Wave and current ripple formation and migration during storms. In Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics (Vol. 129, pp. 955-965).
- Wengrove, M.E., Henriquez, M., De Schipper, M.A., Holman, R. and Stive, M.J.F., 2013. Monitoring morphology of the sand engine leeside using Argus’ cBathy. In Coastal Dynamics 2013: 7th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Arcachon, France, 24-28 June 2013. Bordeaux University.