Groundbreaking: Pacific NW geohazardsKelsey Emard connects climate models & farmersAstrid Leitner dives deepApogee: CEOAS at the top of its gameQ&A: Jesse CusackStudent voices: Bareera MirzaHow it works: The Meltstake!Dean’s viewpoint↑ Fall/Winter 2023Women in polar scienceEmily Eidam studies how sediment movesMetal detectors: GEOTRACESApogee: CEOAS at the top of its gameQ&A: Park MuhondaStudent voices: Zoe Rosenblum↑ Spring/Summer 2023Getting the word out: Science outreach at CEOASBlue genes: Using DNA to study tiny aquatic organismsStudents receive Art-Sci FellowshipsApogee: CEOAS at the top of its gameQ&A: Samantha Chisholm HatfieldStudent voices: Rachel Kaplan↑ Fall/Winter 2022Novel microbes and the origins of life Watching the trees: Mark Raleigh studies snow and forestsMaking some noise to study the Cascadia Subduction ZoneApogee: CEOAS at the top of its gameQ&A: A farewell to Flaxen ConwayStudent voices: You had me at glacial cycles↑ May 2022