Policy for INTO OSU Academic English/General English/Foundation English Students

Instructors should track all level change requests. Students shouldn’t be sent to coordinators for level changes.

There are two types of level change requests:
1)    Instructor-initiated (an instructor recognizes that a student has been misplaced)
2)    Student-initiated (a student speaks to his/her instructor about a level change)


  • Newly placed students may request level changes from their instructors during the first two days of classes.
  • Continuing students who feel they are ready to skip a level may also request level changes during the first two days of classes. This process will involve a transcript review by management. Level changes cannot create a two-level split.

Note: Students who are repeating courses are not eligible for a level change.

Requirements for an instructor
Give challenging assignments and diagnostic tests during the first two days of classes. You will then have enough information to either support or deny a student’s request for change of level. If you see a student who appears to be misplaced, observe him/her carefully during the diagnostic period.

 INTO OSU instructors should

  • Receive/initiate a request for a level change during the first two class meetings of the term. Make sure that students who have requested a level change understand that they must continue attending class during the diagnostic period if they want a chance to be approved.
  • Give diagnostic tests and challenging assignments during the first two class meetings of the term. All core courses have specific diagnostics programmed.
  • Collect diagnostic information about the students requesting a level change.
  • Enter information about the students on the spreadsheet, including recommendations and comments.
  • Receive final decisions from program managers and inform the students by the end of the third class meeting of the term.

Student information on the spreadsheet
Because information gathering and level change decisions must be thorough and accurate, it is essential that instructors understand the protocol for level changes and how to enter information about students. At the beginning of the term, a master combined spreadsheet will be created for the AE and GE programs and will be uploaded to Google Docs. The link to the spreadsheet will be sent out in an email to all instructors during the first week of classes. Each spreadsheet includes an Instructor Tab with fields for:

  1. date (of request/recommendation)
  2. student ID
  3. student name
  4. course
  5. teacher
  6. student-initiated and teacher-initiated columns (check one)
  7. recommendation? (Y/N)
  8. comments (specific, objective diagnostic comments including data and reference to course objectives)

The instructor inputs information about a level change candidate onto the spreadsheet. If the instructor recommends that the student’s level be changed, program management staff enters information on the Manager Tab with fields for:

  1. date (of request/recommendation)
  2. student ID
  3. student name
  4. course
  5. teacher
  6. new student and continuing student columns
  7. levels
  8. placement (new students)
  9. level change approved (Y/N)
  10. instructor contacted (by e-mail with result of request/recommendation)
  11. comments (reason approval or denial of request/recommendation)

Result of Request/Recommendation
After reviewing the request/recommendation, program management staff contacts the instructor by e-mail with the result (CC Academic Support).  If the level change is approved, the instructor will get information about how the student can do an official add/drop.

Level changes from session to session for GE and FE students
There are no level changes from session to session. Students must complete Student Achievement Tasks with an overall average of 73% or higher in two consecutive sessions in order to progress to the next level.

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