Keeping it brief

I am not feeling very well today, so I will be keeping my post on this week pretty short and to the point.

I just got done with the  mid-summer check in with my fellow internship peers of the Sea Grant Summer Scholars. The main purpose of the day was to get everyone together to talk about what we’ve been up to with our projects. Everyone gave a short two minute presentation and I found it interesting to see what people have been working on. The other projects seem to have more of the “sexy science” and “cool factor” going for them than mine, but that’s ok, I realize what I’m doing has a purpose even though the tasks may be mundane sometimes.

This week not a lot of progress was made with my project in event planning. I’ve been waiting for people higher up the hierarchy of decision making to come to a conclusion about the goals, outcomes, and audience for the event. I attended a meeting for the OSU Marine Council, where they discussed the event, but it seems that more indecision came out of it than conclusions. Good thing I am already used to this after my experience last summer in policy, or I’d probably be frustrated at this point. Alas, I anticipated that I’d probably be on standby for a while, so instead I’ve been handed the role of writing impact statements for the Oregon Sea Grant Annual Report. It’s not a glamorous task; I write very short (less than 250 words) summaries of how OSG funding has impacted communities. It’s always a good exercise in writing concisely.

That is all I am going to report on for this week. Next week I may be off and running with more event planning, but that remains to be seen.

One thought on “Keeping it brief

  1. Sorry I’m late to comment, but sounds like this week is a bit slower and you’re feeling better. Thank you again for your daVinci days help – I didn’t know you were a trained kid wrangler!

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