New collections guides for November

Three new finding aids for SCARC collections were finished last month!

Two are guides for components of the former Gerald W. Williams Collection that have been separated from the core collection and described with a finding aid. The other is for a collection that was previously only minimally described with a preliminary collection-level description and container and now has a full detailed finding aid.

As of November 30, 2016, the OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center has 864 finding aids in Archives West.

Gerald W. Williams Family Vacation Slides, 1973-1991 (P 316)

Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, 1954

Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, 1954

These slides consist of images taken by Williams documenting trips and activities by Williams and his family in Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. The collection includes 703 color slides.

Gerald W. Williams Glass Negatives Collection, circa 1910 (P 326)

Cliffs on Beach, Salmon River Bay, c. 1910

Cliffs on Beach, Salmon River Bay, c. 1910

This collection consists of 8 glass negatives of the central Oregon coast assembled and acquired by Williams due to his avocational interest in the history of the Pacific Northwest region. The photographer is not identified.

Elvin A. Duerst Papers, 1929-1999 (MSS Duerst)

Elvin A. Duerst.

The Duerst Papers are comprised of materials relating to Duerst’s education and career as an international agricultural economist. The collection documents his time as a student at Linfield College, Oregon State College, and the University of Illinois and his professional work in agricultural transportation and infrastructure projects, economic development planning, and foreign aid coordination. The collection includes more than 2500 photographs and 116 maps.

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